Final evaluation – Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) Programme (Sector Reform Contract). Assessment of the past performance of the VaVaC Programme, which promotes organisation, and climate resilient production, value addition, safety and quality, and trade in the coconut, beef and fruits and vegetables value chains, and identify lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations in order to inform decision makers on how to improve future Budget Support programmes.European Commission
€ 59,480
Trade & Private Sector Management
North Macedonia01/2025
Evaluation of programmes related to private sector development. To assess the effectiveness and impact of EU funds in the private sector development and to formulate recommendations for improving the sector policy compliance with the EU standards and best practices and increasing the impact of the EU interventions on private sector development and MSMEs competitiveness and modernisation. European Commission
€ 122,783
Trade & Private Sector Management
Mid-term evaluation of the EU programmes that support competetiveness in Cameroon. Specific actions that were evaluated include an innovation competition, the Team Europe COVID 19 Response Access to Finance project, the roll-out of the company on-line registration '''' to the Business Registration centres in Maroua, Limbe, Bertoua and Ngaoundéré, and the creation of a local association to support entrepreneurs and operators in the agriculture and digital sectors.European Comission
€ 69,790
Trade & Private Sector Management
Technical Support Agency services for the Tourism and Civil Aviation (TCAD) department to Support Government of Sikkim in ‘Sikkim: Integrated Service Provision and Innovation for Reviving Economies’ Program. Provision of support for tourism development, business development and business support services. Strengthening human resources capacity and existing infrastructure of Institute of Hotel Management and Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure & Ecotourism. Assist in Capacity Building and Business Management Support of Homestay enterprises. Branding and Marketing of Sikkim tourism. Business development support for whole-of-community rural tourism approaches. Supporting TCAD in achieving and undertaking program related activities, project management, systems / procedures compliance, M&E and progress reporting activities.World Bank
€ 671,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Support to the Office of the Vice-President on Youth and Job creation. To create new green and smart jobs for the youth through enhancement of employability, entrepreneurship and improvement of innovation and digitalisation. Placement of two experts in the office of the VP for strategic partnership coordination, policy coherence, monitoring and evaluation. Policy dialogue and liaison support between the office of the VP, the EU, and other stakeholders including the business community and CSOs. Support for gender equality and gender-responsive innovation, ICT and decent work policy implementation to ensure women’s equal opportunities.European Commission
€ 914,100
(Linpico € 809,100) 86%
Trade & Private Sector Management
East Africa Region07/2024
EX POST EVALUATION – “Disrupting criminal trafficking and smuggling networks through increased anti-money laundering and financial investigation capacity in the Greater Horn of Africa”, implelented by CIVIPOL.European Commission
€ 109,099
Trade & Private Sector Management
Ukraine05/2023 – 12/2024Circular Economy – Promotion of Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Ukraine. Analyse and map the current status of circular economy in the country, including policies and legislation, key actors, private sector actors and barriers. Identify potential opportunities for transition to a circular economy in certain sectors and asses the impacts they may have. Develop a Circular Economy Strategy and Action Plan.European Commission
€ 823,950
Trade & Private Sector Management
Vanuatu2022Mid-term Evaluation of the Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) Development Project. The specific objective of the project is to contribute to equitable, broad-based, and sustainable economic growth, recovery, and resilience by promoting organisation, and climate-resilient production, value addition, safety and quality, and trade in the coconut, beef and fruits and vegetables value chains.European Commission
€ 74,760
Trade & Private Sector Management
Zimbabwe2022Design (identification and formulation) of the Annual Action Programme 2023 under the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 between the European Union and the Republic of Zimbabwe. Undertake a comprehensive scoping analysis of the interventions envisaged under the MIP including the Team Europe Initiatives and define a coherent set of interventions.European Commission
€ 393,205
Trade & Private Sector Management
Comoros2020 - 2021Study on improving efficiency and computerising information of the commercial register and the procedures for registering company legal documents. Analysis of current procedures for company registration. Identification of reforms required to improve the process. Proposal of a road map for making on-line registration available to all end-users.World Bank
USD 160,244
Trade & Private Sector Management
Central Africa Region (CEMAC)2020 - 2021Support for operationalising the Business Climate observatory in the CEMAC zone. Establishing the tools for monitoring the business climate (dashboard, indicators, database, measuring technicques). Collecting data in Cameroun, Gabon and Congo. Producing guidelines. Seeting up the database on the CEMAC servers. Support for going on-line. Training of staff.Agence Française de Developpement
€ 50,606
Trade & Private Sector Management
Burkina Faso2020Drafting of the strategic development plan for the Burkina Investment Promotion Agency (ABI). Undertake a diagnostic of the organisation, SWOT analysis, identification of options, proposal marketing and communication tools and support for how to better monitor inestments, benchmar study and identification of 5-year plan.European Commission
€ 68,593
Trade & Private Sector Management
Benin2018 - 2021Support to the Strengthening of Private Sector Agricultural Operators (PARASEP). Projet components are (i) strengthening Public – Private dialogue with a view to improving the business environment; (ii) support to the export marketing of agri produce; (iii) training of entrepreneurs and business development support; (iv) technical support for agri product development. Agence Française de Developpement
€ 1,799,972
Trade & Private Sector Management
Cameroun2016 - 2019Support to Agriculture and Agri-food SMEs for food production, processing and marketing. The project aims to improve information and awareness about new technologies, acces to finance and provides training for operators.Agence Française de Developpement
€ 913,664
Trade & Private Sector Management
Lesotho2018 -2020Review of the Structure and Functioning of LNDC – Phase II Implementation. To provide facilitation assistance to the Lesotho National Development Corporation in carrying out its restructuring plan and becoming an effective and self-sustaining economic development agency.Trade & Private Sector Management
Moldova2019 - 2020Final Evaluation of EU Budget Support Programmes, more specifically the “Economic Stimulation in Rural Areas” programme, and its two consecutive top-ups, and the “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Sector Reform Contract” (DCFTA SRC). European Commission
€ 186,795
Trade & Private Sector Management
Benin2015 - 2018Support to the Strengthening of Private Sector Operators (PARASEP). Project components are (i) strengthening Public – Private dialogue with a view to improving the business environment; (ii) support to the export marketing of agri produce; (iii) training of entrepreneurs and business development support; (iv) technical support for agri product development. Agence Française de Developpement
€ 2,270,860
Trade & Private Sector Management
Lesotho2016 - 2017Review of the Structure and Functioning of the Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC). Diagnostic of the organisational structure and operations of the LNDC. Benchmarking Best Practice. Preparation of Options Paper and Final recommended option for restructuring.World Bank
USD 376,957
Trade & Private Sector Management
Kuwait2013 - 2015Advisory Services for Food Security Strategy Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring. Review existing arrangements and quantify food security. Prepare and oversee implementation of a comprehensive food security strategy. Recommend the establishment of food security monitoring system.Kuwait Investment Authority USD 1,960,702
Consortium member
Trade & Private Sector Management
Djibouti 2015Feasibility Study for a Private Sector Development Project. Agence Francaise de Development
€ 58,810
Trade & Private Sector Management
East Caribbean Region2015Regional needs assessment of infrastructure and service requirements of the yachting and mega yacht industry. Development of investment plans for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, St Lucia and St Kitts & Nevis (Biz Clim Facility). European Commission
€ 150,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Jamaica2015Enhancing Competitiveness in the Caribbean via Patent Examination Training. To promote patent, standardisation and harmonisation as trade catalysts in technological sectors and ensure patent examination uniformity within the participating countries in the Caribbean region. The specific purpose is to improve patent examination capacities and procedures in the field of Mechanics, Electronics and Chemistry in the Caribbean region (TBT Programme)European Commission
€ 165,525
Trade & Private Sector Management
ACP Region2015 - 2016Technical Barriers toTrade Support to ACP Geneva Office Secretariat. To strengthen the ability of ACP Members to participate in the multilateral trading system by improving their understanding, influence and compliance with TBT requirements and standards. (TBT Programme)European Commission
€ 198,100
Trade & Private Sector Management
Cameroon2014 - 2015 Evaluation of 3 Agriculture / Food Security Projects funded by AFD. Evaluation of a Rural Development Programme; a small holder competitiveness project; and a Agriculture Vocational Training project.Agence Française de Développement
€ 40,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Caribbean Region2013 - 2014Monitoring the implementation and results of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Review objective data related to the EPA. Review the implementation of the EPA by both parties (compliance). Take stock of economic results and its achievement of development objectives.European Commission
€ 349,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Turkey2013 - 2014Evaluation and impact assessment of the European Union’s past and present (on going) support to Agriculture Sector in Turkey with a view to come up with recommendations for future actions to promote in the framework of a sector approach.European Commission
€ 150,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Kosovo2013Assistance to design IPA 2013 Programme to support Kosovo’s trade policy. Design of a project, including drafting of ToR, to enhance trade facilitation and negotiation expertise within the Ministry of Trade and Industry.European Commission
€ 22,886
Trade & Private Sector Management
Côte d’Ivoire2013Study on Fiscal Reforms in the Cofee and Cocao sector. Recommendations on how a new tax regime can contribute to the sustainable development of the sector and ensure higher returns to farmers.World Bank
€ 92,495
Trade & Private Sector Management
Benin, Burkina Faso & Mali2013Study on shelling and adding value for marketing of the West African Jatropha nut. Study on current practises for shelling and marketing of the Jatropha nut. Recommendations on how to improve these two areas.ADECIA (French Government)
Trade & Private Sector Management
Uganda2012 - 2013Support to the design phase of an Equity Fund Initiative for the Small and Medium Agribusiness (SMA) development fund. Linpico provides technical advice, coordination and assistance with partnership agreements for the EU delegation in Uganda and other funding partners.European Commission
€ 99,943
Trade & Private Sector Management
Central African Republic2012Assessment and revision of the legal and instutional standardization framework so as to ensure compliance with the WTO agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.European Commission
€ 131,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Worldwide2012Training programme on effective design of trade and private sector development support. To assist DEVCO.C4 in the organisation and delivery of the training programme on Trade and Private Sector Development for EU staff, both at Headquarters and in Delegations. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 159 171
Trade & Private Sector Management
SADC Region2012Final Evaluation of the Regional Food Safety – Capacity Building on Residue Control Project. Linpico provided a food safety capacity building expert. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 10).
European Commission
€ 25,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Papua New Guinea2011 - 2012Report on the implementation of the derogation to standard rules of origin granted to the Pacific ACP States in the framework of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement. Assessment of the impact of the derogation to the rules of origin of Tuna fish in PNG on the development of the country, the management of fish resources in the region and the impact on the EU. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1)European Commission
€ 175 924
Trade & Private Sector Management
COMESA (Djibouti & DR Congo)2011 - 2012Supporting Member States of COMESA to undertake policy reforms so as to improve the business environment. Study and organization of 2 stakeholder workshops in Djibouti and DR Congo, each involving around 50 high level government, private sector and investments sector representatives as well as 15 resource persons from regional member states. (BizClim Facility)European Commission
€ 340 200
Trade & Private Sector Management
SADC2010 - 2012Support to Policy Development, Planning, M&E, Statistics and International Cooperation. The purpose of the project is to increase the capacities of SADC’s institutions to drive and coordinate the regional integration agenda.European Commission
€ 2,767,600
Trade & Private Sector Management
Sudan2010 – 2012Livestock Epidemio-Surveillance Project. The objective is to improve animal productivity, trade and food security for those involved in livestock farming. Linpico provides a financial advisor responsible for correct financial management and implementation of EDF procedures; training key LESP financial staff ; advising on local and international procurement in order that it is conducted in accordance with the relevant EDF procedures (FC BENEF 2009 - Lot 11)European Commission
€ 189,024
Trade & Private Sector Management
Ivory Coast2009 – 2012Technical Assistance to the Executive Secretary of the Central Organization of the Pineapple and Banana Producers-Exporters (OCAB). Provision of a long-term technical adviser, responsible for boosting and supporting the activities of the pineapple and banana production and marketing profession.European Commission
€ 270,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi2011 -2012Feasibility Study for an Equity Fund Initiative for the Agriculture Sector. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). The specific objective is to assess the feasibility and development relevance of an Agriculture Equity Fund and outline an appropriate set-up, implementation modalities and potential partners to boost the development of small and medium size agribusiness.European Commission
€ 68 000
Trade & Private Sector Management
EU, North Africa, Middle East2011Evaluation of the EU funded Invest in MED programme. The objectives of the programme are to facilitate exchanges between companies in the EU and Mediterranean partner countries in order to favour business cooperation agreements; and develop the capacity of Mediterranean business organizations.European Commission
€ 112 438
Trade & Private Sector Management
Burundi2011Training in Trade Negotiations (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). To inform members of the National Forum for the Development of Trade Policy (FNDPC) and Burundian trade negotiators on international trade issues and strengthen the national negotiating machinery, particulary in terms of preparing the national position and participating in negotiations.European Commission
€ 27 572
Trade & Private Sector Management
Chad2011Creation of a guarantee fund for investing in SMEs. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10).European Commission
€ 40 000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Indian Ocean Region2011To prepare the African Development Bank’s Flagship Report on regional integration. Asssitance with programming AfDB support to the IOC region with particular focus on energy, infrastructure, private sector development, tourism, environment and social sectors.African Development Bank € 216,000Trade & Private Sector Management
China2011EU-China Liaoning Integrated Environmental Progamme ; Final Evaluation Cleaner Production Revolving Fund (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10)European Commission
€ 47,176
Trade & Private Sector Management
Barbados2010 - 2011Institutional Review of the Barbados Sugar Cane Industry Institutional Restructuring and Strengthening of the Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC). Restructuring and Strengthening of Independent and Small Farmers and support to Displaced Farmers.European Commission
€ 1,197,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
UEMOA (West Africa)2010 - 2011Training in the area of Quality (TQM, Standards, Quality Accreditation and Certification, Metrology). Strengthening the capacity of Quality institutions in the UEMOA regionUEMOA Commission
€ 60,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
China2010Micro Credit Fund Evaluation of the EU – China Natural Forest Management Project (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10)European Commission
€ 61,132
Trade & Private Sector Management
CEMAC2006 - 2010€ 16 million Programme of assistance to the Regional Integration of CEMAC (PAIRAC) : Institutional support to CEMAC and member government ministries in the areas of EPA negotiations, Multilateral surveillance, Customs union and Common marketEuropean Commission
€ 6,396,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Caribbean2002 – 2010Integrated Development Programme for the Caribbean Rum Sector. Management of the €70 million programme aimed at increasing value added rum exports. Supply of short and long term expertise. Management of grants in the area marketing, capital investment, environment and business development.European Commission
€ 2,029,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Caribbean and EU2009Study on Regulatory Regimes for Professional Services in selected EU countries. Analysis of business environment and regulatory regimes related to accountancy, architecture, engineering, management consultancy and tourism guides and operators in Estonia, Malta, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain and Italy so as make recommendations to the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery as part of their Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with the EU (BizClim facility) European Commission
€ 190,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
UEMOA2009Harmonisation Study on the Institutional Framework for Quality (TQM, Standards, Quality Accreditation and Certification, Metrology) in the UEMOA regionUEMOA Commission
€ 59,500
Trade & Private Sector Management
Central African Republic2009OHADA Legislation Compliance Study. Ensuring that Parliamentary Law complies with the OHADA Treaty. Reviewing and Drafting of legal texts to ensure OHADA compliance. (BizClim Facility)European Commission
€ 196,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Ivory Coast2007 – 2008Technical Assistance to the Executive Secretary of the Central Organization of the Pineapple and Banana Producers-Exporters (OCAB). Definition of a Strategy for the Sector. Management of the support provided by the EC.European Commission
€ 259,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Tunisia2007 – 2008Analysis of the Competitiveness of the following industries: construction, olive oil, fisheries, automobile, and packaging. Growth Diagnostic and identification of constraints to growth.World Bank
USD 80,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
Indian Ocean Commission Secretariat (Mauritius)2003 – 2008Regional Plant Protection Programme. To develop and promote regional cooperation and research relating to plant protection. Components include: design and implementation of a computerised management system to be used by all countries in the region to access information regarding plant protection; regional harmonisation of plant protection legislation; support for local research; training; establishment of an Early Warning System for plant protection problems (Quality Control).European Commission
€ 1,418,000
Trade & Private Sector Management
CEMAC (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad)2003 – 2007Support to the CEMAC Secretariat. To strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of the Secretariat of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) to conduct its multilateral surveillance activities and to ensure the balanced and accelerated development of the six member countries of the Community by harmonising their economic and monetary policies.European Commission
€ 705,000
Trade & Private Sector Management