Public Financial Management (PFM) assessment of the Bogotá Capital District (BCD) was carried out by Linpico, on behalf of and with financial support from the French Development Agency (AFD)

In the context of a budget support operation for public policies, aimed at implementing the District Development Plan (PDD) “Bogotá Camina Segura 2024-2027”, a Public Financial Management (PFM) assessment of the Bogotá Capital District (BCD) was carried out, on behalf of and with financial support from the French Development Agency (AFD), limited to a group of indicators from the PEFA methodology for Subnational Governments (May 2022). Likewise, based on this assessment, which was agreed to be called “PEFA Light”, a Fiduciary Risk Analysis (FRA) was carried out, in accordance with the AFD’s fiduciary risk assessment doctrine for budget financing committed in foreign States (March 2021).

The main objective of the work was to examine existing local PFM dynamics, including auditing and procurement management rules and practices applicable to Colombian local authorities, and in particular to the DCB.

The work, under the direction and supervision of LINPICO SARL, was carried out with success by an international consultant specializing in public financial management assessments using the PEFA methodology and in ARF.
