Linpico implements both long-term and short-term projects, ranging from several years to a few months in length. Due to Linpico’s proven track record, we enjoy a high rate of success when tendering for new projects; our dedicated team will pursue upwards of 20 bids at any given time.
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Seychelles | 01/2025 12/2027 | Supply and implementation of an Integrated Financial Management Information System. To improve the efficiency, tranparency and accountability of financial management processes throughout the entire government. Key objectives include: automation of financial processes, improving data quality, improving financial control, enhancing financial reporting, including budgeting, forecasting and performance analysis, and providing training and support for the successful adoption and utilization of the IFMIS. | World Bank € 2,977,711 | Public Finance Management |
Vanuatu | 01/2025 06/2025 | Final evaluation – Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) Programme (Sector Reform Contract). Assessment of the past performance of the VaVaC Programme, which promotes organisation, and climate resilient production, value addition, safety and quality, and trade in the coconut, beef and fruits and vegetables value chains, and identify lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations in order to inform decision makers on how to improve future Budget Support programmes. | European Commission € 59,480 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
North Macedonia | 01/2025 07/2025 | Evaluation of programmes related to private sector development. To assess the effectiveness and impact of EU funds in the private sector development and to formulate recommendations for improving the sector policy compliance with the EU standards and best practices and increasing the impact of the EU interventions on private sector development and MSMEs competitiveness and modernisation. | European Commission € 122,783 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Nepal | 02/2025 12/2026 | Technical Assistance for PFM and EU Budget Support Programmes. To provide on-demand technical assistance to the EU Delegation and to Nepal Government entities engaged in the PFM reform and/or targeted by Budget Support programmes notably but not limited to the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Comptroller General Office, the Public Procurement Management Office, the National Planning Commission, line Ministries, as well as provincial and local governments. | European Commission € 758,600 | Public Finance Management |
North Macedonia | 12/2024 04/2025 | Mid term evaluation of the impact of the Europe House network. To assess the effectiveness and impact of the Europe House network since its establishment in 2019 and to formulate recommendations for improving the EU-funding towards the network for the period 2026-2030. The Europe House network is the main communication vehicle of the EU Delegation. With the aim of bringing European values, policies and programmes closer to local audiences, the EH programme includes networking events, creative workshops, debates, exhibitions, movie nights, premieres, as well as kids matinees and book clubs. | European Commission € 39,900 | Governance and Aid Management |
Côte d’Ivoire | 12/2024 08/2025 | Functional and Organisational Diagnosis of the Rural Land Management Agency (AFOR). Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of AFOR at the organisational, material, technical, legal and financial levels, taking into account its context, the legal framework for rural land management and its objectives and missions. Carry out an institutional, organisational and functional diagnosis of AFOR and its relationship with the various stakeholders in the implementation of the national rural land tenure security program in order to have a general assessment of the relevance of the organization, operating methods and procedures, human resources and skills, and financial resources of AFOR necessary to carry out the missions entrusted to it. Formulate recommendations in the form of a roadmap and an action plan aimed at improving the efficiency of its action. Monitor the implementation of the action plans. | AFD € 294,227 | Public Finance Management |
Palestine | 01/2025 07/2025 | Evaluation of financial instruments implemented in Palestine since 2020. To evaluate and provide recommendations on the relevance of the design, the effectiveness of the implementation and impact on relevant beneficiaries of financial instruments deployed in Palestine with the support of EU and Team Europe financial mechanisms (namely blending funds, guarantees provided under EFSD and EFSD+, capital support, loans, etc.). | European Commission € 149,950 | Public Finance Management |
Tunisia | 12/2024 11/2025 | Political economy analysis on migration in Tunisia to inform policy and programing processes. The objective of this migration analysis is to support the European Union’s ongoing comprehensive approach to migration in relation to Tunisia. It aims to examine the structural, institutional, and actor-specific factors that shape the country’s migration dynamics. The analysis will delve into the political, economic, and social contexts of Tunisia's migration landscape, identifying key actors, interests, and power dynamics. The findings will contribute to inform both policy and programing processes in Tunisia and will provide input and entry points for the EU to rethink and address migration challenges. | European Commission € 175,300 | Governance and Aid Management |
Worldwide | 11/2024 11/2028 | Technical Assistance relating to migration and forced displacement. To improve the management of migration and forced displacement in partner countries and to strengthen the EU-funded cooperation programmes and partnerships on migration and forced displacement. Provision of technical assistance for EU staff in Delegations and HQ and partner countries’ staff working on migration and forced displacement for (i) Specialist training on migration and/or forced displacement; (ii) Support to thematic or policy work (studies, policy papers, thematic guidelines, publications, quality assurance, reporting); (iii) Support for the design, implementation and non-standard evaluations of actions in those areas; and (iv) Organisation of thematic roundtables/seminars/conferences. | European Commission € 1,799,600 | Governance and Aid Management |
Cameroon | 11/2024 02/2025 | Mid-term evaluation of the EU programmes that support competetiveness in Cameroon. Specific actions that were evaluated include an innovation competition, the Team Europe COVID 19 Response Access to Finance project, the roll-out of the company on-line registration '''' to the Business Registration centres in Maroua, Limbe, Bertoua and Ngaoundéré, and the creation of a local association to support entrepreneurs and operators in the agriculture and digital sectors. | European Comission € 69,790 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Cameroon | 11/2024 04/2025 | Final evaluation of the ABC-PADER Programme "Support for Changes in the Cotton Basin – Rural Development Support Programme". | European Commission € 57,977 | Governance and Aid Management |
Colombia | 10/2024 02/2025 | Fiduciary Risk analysis of the Bogota Municipality. Based on the sub-national PEFA framework undertake an assessment of Budget Reliability, Predictability and control in budget execution, accounting and reporting and control and external scrutiny and audit so as to assess fiduciary risk and analyse the Municipality’s progress in implementing PFM reforms. | AFD € 36,811 | Public Finance Management |
Uzbekistan | 10/2024 03/2025 | Evaluation of the second phase of the AFD’s Green Economy Policy-based loan programme. Evaluation of three components: (i) Enabling policy environment and institutions for green growth ; (ii) green fiscal policies and PFM; and (iii) Green public and private investments. | AFD € 49,950 | Public Finance Management |
India | 10/2024 11/2024 | Selection of Agency for the Selection of Sub-Sub-Recipients under the Global Fund Supported HIV Project. To conduct capacity assessment to identify state/district level NGOs/CBOs with proven experience of working on care and support at the district level to establish and manage community-based care and support centres as part of the national response to meet the needs of PLHIV, high-risk groups, women and children living with and affected by HIV, specifically improving quality of life, treatment adherence and mitigating the impact of HIV & AIDS in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. | SAATHII € 65,800 | Public Finance Management |
India | 08/2024 09/2024 | Development of Finance Manual for FIND India Office. The objective of this assignment is to develop a finance manual for Find India covering various areas such as cash management, bank management, expense management, authorisation matrix, advance/payroll management, Fixed assets, accounting, budgeting & forecasting, compliances, donor management, year-end procedures and adjustments etc. | FIND € 2,150 | Public Finance Management |
India | 10/2024 10/2027 | Technical Support Agency services for the Tourism and Civil Aviation (TCAD) department to Support Government of Sikkim in ‘Sikkim: Integrated Service Provision and Innovation for Reviving Economies’ Program. Provision of support for tourism development, business development and business support services. Strengthening human resources capacity and existing infrastructure of Institute of Hotel Management and Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure & Ecotourism. Assist in Capacity Building and Business Management Support of Homestay enterprises. Branding and Marketing of Sikkim tourism. Business development support for whole-of-community rural tourism approaches. Supporting TCAD in achieving and undertaking program related activities, project management, systems / procedures compliance, M&E and progress reporting activities. | World Bank € 671,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Papua New Guinea | 10/2024 11/2024 | Programme Audits of GAVI support in Papua New Guinea. | GAVI € 78,000 | Public Finance Management |
India | 09/2024 11/2024 | Due Diligence Assessment of grant recipients under a global fund program. | Alliance India USD 35,000 | Public Finance Management |
Worldwide | 10/2024 10/2027 | Macrofiscal Facility. To enhance DG INTPA’s capacity to identify macroeconomic and fiscal challenges and to effectively support the design and implementation of appropriate macro-fiscal policies in partner countries. Provision of evidence-based macroeconomic and fiscal analysis to support policy making in international development and identification and design of operations. Technical advice to DG INTPA partner countries on macroeconomic and fiscal issues and policy implementation. Technical advice to EU Delegations on macroeconomic and fiscal topics relevant for EU partnership actions. To deliver customised training, conferences, and workshops to share expertise as well as virtual standard training. | European Commission € 2,694,300 | Public Finance Management |
Nigeria | 10/2024 12/2026 | Support to the Office of the Vice-President on Youth and Job creation. To create new green and smart jobs for the youth through enhancement of employability, entrepreneurship and improvement of innovation and digitalisation. Placement of two experts in the office of the VP for strategic partnership coordination, policy coherence, monitoring and evaluation. Policy dialogue and liaison support between the office of the VP, the EU, and other stakeholders including the business community and CSOs. Support for gender equality and gender-responsive innovation, ICT and decent work policy implementation to ensure women’s equal opportunities. | European Commission € 914,100 (Linpico € 809,100) 86% | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Worldwide | 10/2024 04/2025 | Technical Assistance in Identifying best practises in skills mobility partnerships involving EU Member States. To identify best practices in designing and managing labour migration corridors involving EU MS as countries of destination and countries of origin in sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the Americas and the Caribbean. | European Commission € 99,940 | Governance and Aid Management |
Lebanon | 10/2024 03/2025 | Final Evaluation of Energy decision : Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in support to Lebanon's clean energy transition. | European Commission € 109,400 | Governance and Aid Management |
Uzbekistan | 09/2024 09/2025 | Supporting Debt Management and Transparency. Support for Public Debt Management, SOE Fiscal Risk management, sovereign cash management, climate risk management and public investment management. | ADB USD 355,750 | Public Finance Management |
Ukraine | 09/2024 12/2024 | Formulation mission for EU4Statistics. To inform decision makers on possible support interventions by the EU in the area of statistics. Design the programming documents for EU4Statistics. | European Commission€ 69,320 | Public Finance Management |
Togo | 09/2024 12/2024 | Final evaluation of Water and Sanitation Programs in Togo (PEAT). Evaluation of two EU funded projects : PEAT 1 (€ 20 million) and PEAT 2 (€ 30 million). | European Commission € 88,158 | Governance and Aid Management |
Chad | 09/2024 06/2025 | Final evaluation of the Management Support Program for the Protected Areas and Fragile Ecosystems of Chad (APEF). | European Commission € 94,840 | Governance and Aid Management |
Seychelles | 09/2024 01/2025 | Final evaluation of the Seychelles 11th EDF Economic Partnership Agreement | European Commission € 39,990 | Governance and Aid Management |
Mauritania | 09/2024 12/2024 | Evaluation of communication campaigns on gender-based violence and health reproduction. Draw lessons that can be replicated for other EU-supported interventions. Analyze the approach adopted to radio campaigns, school events, frescoes, recruitment of NGOs at local level and the sustainability of actions. | European Commission € 39,765 | Governance and Aid Management |
Ukraine | 08/2024 12/2024 | Final evaluation of the Public Finance Management Support programme for Ukraine (EU4PFM). | European Commission € 106,124 | Public Finance Management |
Mauritius | 08/2024 08/2025 | Development of comprehensive guidelines and capacity building on green budgeting and tagging. To develop national comprehensive guidelines for the adoption of green budgeting practices and green tagging by all relevant ministries and departments. To conduct a training for trainers with the staff of the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development and relevant ministries and a capacity-building workshop for relevant stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of green budgeting guidelines. To provide direct support to implementing ministries through the creation of a high-level technical committee to ensure a standardized green budget reporting. | AFD € 155,428 | Public Finance Management |
Worldwide | 08/2024 11/2024 | Strengthening control of fiduciary risks in budget support financing. Review of a sample of Budget Support programmes mainly in high and very high risk countries (Cameroon, Mauritania, Uganda, Rwanda, India, Bangladesh, Niger, Bolivia, Ivory Coast). Production of an analysis note on strengths, weaknesses and good practices. Support for development of training modules on the management of fiduciary risks in budget support. | AFD € 31,900 | Public Finance Management |
Namibia | 07/2024 07/2026 | Technical Assistance to support the implementation of the Early Childhood Development Sector Reform Contract. Strengthening of sector PFM, including planning, budgeting, procurement and expenditure control functions. Reinforcing capacity for sector coordination and data management. Support to ECD and pre-primary education (PPE) awareness and advocacy capacity. Reinforcing service delivery capacity and quality of teaching and care in ECD and PPE. Project Team management, coordination and monitoring of implementation of the ECD sector reform budget support contract. | European Commission € 1,073,000 | Public Finance Management |
India | 07/2024 12/2024 | Establishing a Model City Corporation for efficient governance for effective healthcare, in Maharashtra. Developing a roadmap for efficient governance and effective healthcare services for Panvel Municipal Corporation in Maharashtra. | PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) (Global NGO) USD 69,972 | Governance and Aid Management |
East Africa Region | 07/2024 01/2025 | EX POST EVALUATION – “Disrupting criminal trafficking and smuggling networks through increased anti-money laundering and financial investigation capacity in the Greater Horn of Africa”, implelented by CIVIPOL. | European Commission € 109,099 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
DR Congo | 07/2024 10/2024 | Support to the Ministry of National Education and New Citizenship for the retirement of teachers in the DRC. The objective of the service is to support the MENN in designing an improved teacher pension system . | AFD USD 34,000 | Public Finance Management |
Nigeria | 06/2024 10/2024 | Final Evaluation of the EU Support for Strengthening PFM, Statistics, M&E Systems at State and Local Government Levels in Yobe State. | European Commission € 70,000 | Public Finance Management |
Libya | 06/2024 12/2025 | Learning for health development: an outlook of recent practices of EU cooperation in Libya. Evaluation of 14 interventions financed by the EU in the health sector. | European Commission € 82,970 | Governance and Aid Management |
Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean | 04/2024 10/2024 | Final Evaluation - Programme to Promote Regional Maritime Security (MASE) in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region. The Overall Objective of the programme that was evaluated was to enhance maritime security in the ESA-IO region in order to contribute to global security and create a favourable environment for the economic development of the ESA-IO region and beyond. | European Commission € 112,849 | Governance and Aid Management |
South Sudan | 01/2024 - 04/2025 | Evaluation of the EU Cooperation with South Sudan (2011-2023) | European Commission € 22,181 | Governance and Aid Management |
India | 02/2024 - 05/2024 | “WB - Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)” – The assignment involves developing Operations Manual and Guideline for implementation of Credit Guarantee Facility extended by CGTMSE to Financial Institutions to facilitate commercial financing in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector for environmentally sustainable Grid-connected Rooftop Solar projects | Ernst & Young LLP € 13,950 | Governance and Aid Management |
India | 08/2023 – 07/2028 | “Appointment of Agency for Property Tax Assessment and providing other allied services for Akola Municipal Corporation, Akola”: The overall objective of the project is to conduct Geo enabled door to door property survey, assessment and collection of tax/non-tax/utility/user charges along with design, development, hosting, and maintenance of software integration and set-up of citizen support cell. | Swati Industries (Akola Municipal Corporation € 1,395,825 | Governance and Aid Management |
India | 07/2023 – 11/2023 | Organizational Transformation Study of Tamil Nadu Transmission Company Limited: The assignment involves enhancing financial controls and reporting. Activities include analyzing power production costs, optimizing capital structure and finance expenses, reviewing TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO's financial setup, assessing internal audit functions, and restructuring the finance department. It also entails drafting staff service schemes, optimizing tariff structures, and evaluating Regulatory Assets for potential liquidation strategies. | Ernst & Young € 3,361 | Governance and Aid Management |
West Africa (WAEMU) | 01/2024 – 04/2024 | Analysis and Review of the regulatory framework of the Community Solidarity Levy (Prélèvement Communautaire de Solidarité) (PCS). The general objective of this study is to contribute to the improvement of the mechanisms for mobilizing and the governance of the resources of the PCS through a critical review of the institutional framework and the texts governing the PCS. | WAEMU Commission € 80,000 | Public Finance Management |
Samoa | 02/2024 – 05/2024 | Financial Management Expert for the Samoa Water Authority. To conduct a review of the financial management practices and systems of the water utility, as well as reviewing Financial and Administrative policies, human resources including salary and organisational structure for necessary amendments for their organisation. Identifying areas of improvement and developing recommendations to enhance financial performance and ensure long-term financial sustainability. | European Comlmission € 45,130 | Public Finance Management |
Tadjikistan | 01/2024 – 12/2026 | Annual performance assessments of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training, and Employment Sector Reform Performance Contract. To provide a detailed review and assess the progress in the implementation of the TVET and Employment SRPC against the general conditions and the targets of the performance indicators, to enable the EU to use the outcomes of the reviews for decisions on tranche disbursements. | European Commission € 249,188 | Public Finance Management |
Mozambique | 10/2023 – 10/2025 | Technical Assistance to strengthen municipal management in human resources, tax, finance and ICT. The TA is aimed and enabling and supporting 22 municipalities in the provinces of Gaza, Sofala, Zambezia and Niassa in the areas of HR management, tax management, public finance management and ICT. | World Bank USD 3,534,572 | Public Finance Management |
India | 07/2023 – 03/2024 | Develop a robust baseline to measure the current levels of access to water supply services available to households in 15 areas of Chennai city: The assignment aims to establish a robust foundation for specific Developmental Level Indicators (DLIs) within the World Bank's 'Chennai Sustainable Urban Services Program' by conducting a comprehensive baseline survey. | World Bank € 403,290 | Governance and Aid Management |
India | 09/2023 - 10/2023 | Functional Review / Institutional Assessment of State, District and Local institutions involved in citizen-centered service delivery in Sikkim - The objective is to analyze the operational structures, coordination mechanisms, and service delivery capabilities across all levels i.e., state, district (province) and local level in selected priority departments (i.e. Rural, Skills, Commerce & Industries, Health, women & child, IT, planning) and central and state schemes for two districts (province). | World Bank USD 34,800 | Governance and Aid Management |
Benin | 08/2023 – 10/2023 | Training of trainers on the management of Budget Support programmes. Subjects covered: (i) an overview of the economic and financial programmes of the IMF; (ii) how these are linked to the EU’s budget support; (iii) the main methodologies and processes involved in budget support programmes. | European Commission € 19,998 | Governance and Aid Management |
India | 08/2023 – 11/2023 | Due Diligence of 3 Sub Recipients and 36 Sub- Sub Recipients for Key Population project funded by The Global Fund: The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct due diligence of the implementing partners. Prepared a common finance manual/SOP for this grant including finance and accounts, grant management, donor management, risk assessment and mitigation procedures, sub-grantee procedures<; | The Global Fund USD 7,745 | Governance and Aid Management |
Togo | 11/2022 – 04/2025 | Framework Contract for the execution of activities to support the digital transformation in Togo. Provision of technical advice to public and private stakeholders on digital transformation. | GIZ € 754,350 (Linpico 25% profit share) | Governance and Aid Management |
Morocco | 06/203 – 05/2026 | Monitoring Budget Support for Ecological development in the agriculture and forestry sectors. Undertking 6 monitoiring missions to assess porgress in implementing an ecological development programme “Al Ard Al Khadraa – Terre Verte”. Making recommendations on budget support disbursements. | European Commission € 377,036 (Linpico € 351,870) 93% | Governance and Aid Management |
Ukraine | 05/2023 – 12/2024 | Circular Economy – Promotion of Sustainable Production and Consumption Patterns in Ukraine. Analyse and map the current status of circular economy in the country, including policies and legislation, key actors, private sector actors and barriers. Identify potential opportunities for transition to a circular economy in certain sectors and asses the impacts they may have. Develop a Circular Economy Strategy and Action Plan. | European Commission € 823,950 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Kyrgyz Republic | 03/2023 – 03/2026 | Review of the Education Sector Reform Performance Contract in the Kyrgyz Republic. The overall objective is to provide a detailed review of the implementation of the Education SRPC and to enable the EU to use the outcomes of the reviews for decisions on instalment disbursement and programme execution. | European Commission € 198,143 | Education |
Solomon Islands | 03/2023 – 03/2026 | Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination on EU-Solomon Islands Partnership for Resilience Building contract. Provision of two experts: (i) A budget advisor to improve budget coordination, planning, and preparation through the preparation of key planning documents, as well as to provide support, advice and hands-on training to the Budget Unit and line ministry staff. (ii) A National Development Strategy Advior to improve the performance of the Ministry of National Planning in fulfilling its institutional mandate as well as in meeting the EU-Solomon Islands Partnership for Resilience Building contractual requirements (EU Budget Support). | European Commission € 405,500 | Public Finance Management |
India | 12/2022 – 03/2023 | Study of State Finance Commissions across states in India. Study of existing practices and best practices and methods across each state in India, so as to provide evidence-based thought leadership documents to the States on improving the goals of constitutional amendments through SFCs. The study provides recommendations on SFC strengthening. | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India / Jana Urban Service for Transformation USD 19 000 | Public Finance Management |
India | 2022 – 2023 | Fiscal Sustainability Analysis (FSA) of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Odisha State. The FSA of ULBs in Odisha to be carried out under the Govt. of Odisha initiative of “Municipal Strengthening Project”. The FSA objectives are: (i) To understand the financial performance and financial position of ULBs in Odisha based on an analysis of financial statements and annual budgets. (ii) To understand the existing financial management arrangements in ULBs and provide recommendations for making them more robust, efficient, and effective. (iii) To provide a roadmap for financial sustainability and financial accountability for the ULBs. | Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India / Jana Urban Service for Transformation USD 19 000 | Public Finance Management |
Guinée Conakry | 2023 | Final Evaluation of the “Environment” Component of the 3rd programme of support to the reform of the security sector. The evaluation focusses on EU support for (i) biodiversity conservation, and in particular the strengthening of paramilitary corps responsible for nature conservation; and (ii) supporting Guinée with meeting the countrys’ international environmental commitments. | European Commission € 99,910 (Linpico € 33,735) 34% | Governance and Aid Management |
Bonaire | 2022 - 2023 | Technical Assistance for the formulation of the EU cooperation with Bonaire for the period 2021-2027. This involves formulation of the EU support for wastewater management and analysis of Bonaire’s wastewater management policy as well as public financial management and macro-economic situation so as to assess eligibility for EU budget support. | European Commission € 120,000 (Linpico € 107,500) 90% | Governance and Aid Management |
Côte d’Ivoire | 2022 - 2023 | Study on the sustainable financing of the Civil Registry system and on the cost-effectiveness of Civil Registration services in Côte d'Ivoire. To make an inventory of the operational, organizational, technical and legal conditions to be implemented as part of the modernization and sustainable financing of the Civil Registry. | European Commission (via CIVIPOL) € 78,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Armenia | 2022 - 2023 | Technical Assistance to the EU Delegation to Armenia for the identification and formulation of future actions in the field of green development and climate change and to support the EU Delegation in gaining a better understanding of the needs and opportunities, and development policy proposals, tools and programs for green economic development, with emphasis on regions. | European Commission € 294,050 (Linpico € 81,090) 28% | Governance and Aid Management |
Côte d’Ivoire | 2022- 2024 | Support for the coordination and implementation of Team Europe Initiatives (TEIs). The three TEIs in Côte d’Ivoire are Sustainable Cocoa, Low-Carbon Transition and Peace and Stability. The team is supporting: (i) coordination amongst the different TEI members and between the three projects; (ii) sectoral policy dialogue with the Ivorien authorities and the development partners; and (iii) communication and visibility surrounding the TEIs. | European Commission € 299,500 (Linpico € 181,904) 61% | Governance and Aid Management |
Nepal | 2022- 2023 | Capacity Development of Inland Revenue Department in Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Financial Investigations. Identification of a functional model for ADR related to taxation already existing in a South Asian country. Preparation and elaboration of a training program on the investigation techniques for the detection of tax evasion and illicit financial flows. | GIZ € 18,775 | Public Finance Management |
Kenya | 2022 - 2023 | PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. This includes the PEFA Climate and Gender modules. | European Commission € 299,840 | Public Finance Management |
Belize | 2022 | Final Evaluation of the Supporting the PFM Sector in Belize Project. This project aimed at improving the management and oversight of public finances by building the organisational and operational capacity of an internal audit unit within the Ministry of Finance, strengthening Auditor General and Contractor General capacities and setting up of a PFM Oversight Committee. | European Commission € 49,900 | Public Finance Management |
Vanuatu | 2022 | Mid-term Evaluation of the Vanuatu Value Chain (VaVaC) Development Project. The specific objective of the project is to contribute to equitable, broad-based, and sustainable economic growth, recovery, and resilience by promoting organisation, and climate-resilient production, value addition, safety and quality, and trade in the coconut, beef and fruits and vegetables value chains. | European Commission € 74,760 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Niger | 2022 | PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | European Commission € 333,323 | Public Finance Management |
West Africa | 2022 - 2024 | Consultancy for the provision of Project Management Services to the ECOWAS Commission for the implementation of (i) the Streamlining Tax, Revenue Management, and digitalization of Customs Administrations in 5 ECOWAS Countries (Liberia, Mali Niger, Sierra Leone and The Gambia) Project. This involves acquisition of technical skills, extensive training of Customs Administrations staff and modernization of the automated systems for customs data (ASYCUDA); and (ii) the digitisation of transactions pertaining to the public administrations and populations of Liberia (e-governance) project. | African Development Bank USD 276,000 | Public Finance Management |
India | 2022 - 2024 | Consultancy for Strengthening Inventory Management Practices and Developing Inventory Management System (IMS) for Government of Rajasthan. Conducting As-Is Study and Gap Analysis of exiting IMS. Preparing To-Be report. Preparing detailed procedures, IMS report templates and dashboard and training of trainers. | World Bank USD 764,820 | Public Finance Management |
Maldives | 2022 | Consultancy for Development of IT Master Plan for Public Finance Management Functions. To develop a 5 years ICT Master Plan to strengthen PFM and ensure business continuity at both Ministry of Finance and Maldives Inland Revenue Authority by streamlining core ICT functions. In addition, the consultancy looks in to strengthening the government’s ICT Auditing capabilities and carry out capacity building activities in association with the Auditor General’s Office. | World Bank USD 200,000 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2022 | PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | European Commission € 274,628 | Public Finance Management |
North Macedonia | 2022 - 2023 | TA for preparation of the Audit Authority in North Macedonia for IPA III. The specific objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Audit Authority in view of the harmonisation of the audit procedures with the new IPA III Regulation and guidelines and to strengthen their audit and IT capacity. | European Commission € 208,976 | Public Finance Management |
Dominican Republic | 2022 - 2023 | PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the 2016 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | European Commission € 298,000 | Public Finance Management |
Ghana | 2022 | Identification and formulation of the Public Finance Management Support Programme (phase II). Assist the EU Delegation to Ghana with the identification and formulation of a detailed programme, including activities, expected results, implementation modalities and delivery mechanisms, budget estimates and logical framework in the following PFM areas: budget approval (legislative oversight), budget implementation. | European Commission € 249,956 | Public Finance Management |
São Tomé and Príncipe | 2022 | Formulation of the “Support to the water and sanitation sector” project.. Design of a project that contributes to the modernisation and extension of the drinking water network; increases sanitation services and promotes equitable accessibility to facilities in public institutions The project also supports governance through capacity building actions for the different entities involved in planning, coordination and management of the water and sanitation sector and promotes community participation in decision-making and management processes. | European Commission € 73,300 | Governance and Aid Management |
Jordan | 2022 | Tranche evaluation for Budget Support to the Rule of Law. The overall objective of this assignment is to assess the progress in meeting the set of indicators and targets under the fourth tranche of the Sector Budget Support programme "Support to the Rule of Law in Jordan" and to advise the EU Delegation on the release of the payments linked to the results | European Commission € 87,600 | Governance and Aid Management |
Zambia | 2022 | EFFECT Mid-term Evaluation and PFM programme design. Components include the strengthening of the parliamentary budgetary oversight function; improving the oversight of public spending by the National Audit Office; supporting the Anti-Corruption Commission and strengthening the fight against corruption; improving the planning, budgeting and management of public resources; and enhancing the revenue base through improved domestic revenue mobilisation. | European Commission € 239,962 | Public Finance Management |
Zimbabwe | 2022 | Design (identification and formulation) of the Annual Action Programme 2023 under the Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027 between the European Union and the Republic of Zimbabwe. Undertake a comprehensive scoping analysis of the interventions envisaged under the MIP including the Team Europe Initiatives and define a coherent set of interventions. | European Commission € 393,205 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
India | 2022 - 2023 | Consultancy Services for capacity development on contract management system for officials in Government of Rajasthan. Development of courseware for a foundation training course on Contract Management and conducting training of 300 Master Trainers. | World Bank USD 906,012 | Education |
Djibouti | 2022 - 2023 | Independent Verification Agency (IVA). Linpico has been recruited as the IVA of the Strengthening Opportunities for Apprenticeships Project (PRODA) to undertake regular assessments of whether results have been achived in accordance with the project performance indicators linked to project disbursements. | World Bank USD 111,048 | Education |
Namibia | 2021 - 2022 | Final evaluation of the 11th EDF Education Sector Reform Contract (ESRC). Evaluation of the results achieved and identification of lessons learned from the EU’s € 27.6 million budget support provided between 2016 and 2022. | European Commission € 100,000 | Education |
Sierra Leone | 2021 - 2022 | PEFA assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | European Commission € 203,746 | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun | 2021 - 2022 | Final Evaluation of the Rural Development Sector Reform Contract. Analysis of the results achived and lessons learned form a € 152 million budget support programme aimed at improving smallholder productivity. | European Commission € 156,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Georgia | 2021 - 2024 | Compliance review of the implementation of IntegratedTerritorial Development Budget Support. To provide a detailed review of the implementation of the EU Sector Reform Performance Contract - EU4 Integrated Territorial Development (EU4ITD) and to enable the Commission to use the submitted reports as a tool for monitoring programme execution and taking decisions on instalment disbursement for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. The programme aims to promote a more balanced territorial development and and create new centres of gravity apart from Tbilisi and Batumi | European Commission € 149,448 | Governance and Aid Management |
Mauritius | 2021 - 2023 | Technical Assistance to Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change to implement the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2020, notably in the establishment of the Climate Change Department. | European Commission € 104,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Djibouti | 2021 - 2022 | Srengthening Pre-school Education. Support for updating the pre-school curriculum, updating teacher profiles, defining the norms and standards to be put in place by schools and defining the support measures for pre-school teachers. | World Bank € 72,967 | Education |
West Africa (ECOWAS) | 2021 | Feasibility Study on the ECOWAS Education Agency. To analyse the feasibility of setting up an Education Agency that will facilitate the harmonization of the education systems of ECOWAS Member States. Define the technical and operational feasibility of the EA. Define the administrative, organizational and financial feasibility. Propose a roadmap for setting up the Agency over a five-year period. | ECOWAS Commission USD 116,530 | Education |
Uganda | 2021 - 2022 | End of Programme Evaluation of the 3rd Financial Management and Accountability Programme. To evaluate the impact of FINMAP III actions and results on central and local government (LG) service delivery. Write compelling stories based on stakeholder interviews, service delivery facilites and LG civil servants. | European Commission € 299,359 | Public Finance Management |
Albania | 2021 - 2024 | Compliance review for Good Governance budget support. To assess the degree of compliance with the conditions of the good governance budget support programme, and remaining two specific conditions of the public administration reform budget support programme for the purpose of disbursements of tranches and policy dialogue. | European Commission € 448,500 | Governance and Aid Management |
Cameroun | 2021 - 2022 | Subnational PEFA assessments. PEFA assessment of 12 municipalities in Cameroun. Assessment of the the local level public finance management system, including an assessment of gender inclusion in local level PFM. These assessments form the basis for reforming local level PFM and updating the regulatory and legal framework for decentralized PFM | European Commission € 399,998 | Public Finance Management |
Ukraine | 2021 - 2022 | Subnational PEFA assessments. PEFA assessment of the following oblast capitals (municipalities): Chernivtsi, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and particular assessment of Khmelnytskyi. | Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs CHF 270,342 (€ 250,000) | Public Finance Management |
Kyrgyz Republic | 2021- 2022 | Capacity Building for Public Finance Management. Upgrade the existing econometric fiscal planning model to enable better forecasting of budget revenues and expenditures in the medium and longer term. Improve intergovernmental fiscal relation mechanisms. Improve procedures and practices for cash planning, liquidity management, and control of budget commitments. Prepare an updated public debt management strategy. Prepare functional and technical requirements for the configuration of the debt management and accounting software (DMFAS v6.0). Develop regulatory and methodological documents on IPSAS and improve regulatory PFM documents. | World Bank USD 495,000 | Public Finance Management |
Uzbekistan | 2021 - 2022 | Developing a Program/performance based budgeting within Sutainable Fiscal Policy. Support for improving the effectiveness of public finance management by reforming the budgetary process through building capacity and expanding the scope and quality of the program/performance components of the budget and linking national policies and targets with the mid-term budgeting framework in selected priority ministries. | World Bank USD 342,175 | Public Finance Management |
Ethiopia | Final Evaluation of the Fourth Road Sector Policy Support Program (SPSP IV). Emphasis is on data collection, analysis and reporting systems in the SPSP IV budget support program; Policy dialogue mechanisms and performance; and assessment on how to improve budget support in design, implementation and monitoring of the new program (in the logistics sector) under the new EU programming cycle. | European Commission € 72,900 | Public Finance Management | |
Tanzania | 2021 - 2023 | Final Evaluation of the Sector Budget Support under the Economic and Fiscal Governance Programme. Assessment of the past performance of the Economic and Fiscal Governance Programme.The results serve to inform the planning of possible future Budget Support programmes and inform the programming exercise for the next multi-annual financial framework. | European Commission € 83,733 | Public Finance Management |
Togo | 2020 - 2021 | Development of the Policy and Strategic Plan for the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP). Drafting of the policy for regulating public procurement and associated strategic plan for 2021 – 2025. Development of the budget, road map and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for implementing the strategic plan. | World Bank € 83,053 | Public Finance Management |
Sao Tome and Principe | 2021 - 2023 | Support to the Office of Public Finace Reforms (GARFIP). To assist with the formulation and delivery of medium term budget frameworks and transparent, comprehensive and credible annual budgets that will strengthen fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of resources and efficient public services delivery. | European Commission € 617,200 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2020 - 2021 | Capacity Strengthening Support to the Ministry of Finance. Provision of training, studies and advice in support of (i) coordinating macro-economic policy; (ii) increasing the level of domestic revenue mobilization; (iii) strengthening internal control; and (iv) human resource management in the Ministry of Finance. | European Commission € 836,630 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Marshall Islands | 2020 - 2021 | Senior Advisor to the Office of the Auditor General. To provide support and hands-on training to further strengthen the capacity of the OAG’s Fraud Investigation team to effectively carry out its Fraud Investigation and Prevention Function. | European Commission € 265,300 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Latin America | 2021 | EUROCLIMA+ Mid-term evaluation. To provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with an overall independent assessment of the past performance of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. The scope of the evaluation includes activities carried out since 2017 under EUROCLIMA+ decisions 2016, 2017 and 2019 implemented in 18 Latin America countries through more than 120 interventions (projects/actions). | European Commission € 166,500 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Federated States of Micronesia | 2020 - 2021 | Senior Advisor for Financial Management Legislation in the four FSM States. To review the PFM-related legal framework for all States, and propose a re-drafting of the Financial Management Regulations. | European Commission € 87,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Kiribati | 2021 | Financial Auditor Specialist to the Kiribati Audit Office (KAO). To assist the KAO with improving the Financial Audit skills of staff, KAO’s overall Financial Audit methodology and approach and improving KAO’s overall Financial Audit Quality. | European Commission € 135,523 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Togo | 2021 | Reorganization of the Public Finance Management Reform Secretariat and development of an Action Plan. To strengthen the organizational setup and functioning of the Secretariat based on a well defined regulatory framework and the most recent PEFA and PEMFAR recommendations. | World Bank USD 63,069 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Serbia | 2020 - 2021 | Support to IPARD Managing Authority and IPARD Agency with the implementation of IPARD measures. To support the preparation of the Serbian Sector of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement the EU Common Agricultural Policy in order to prepare the Republic of Serbia for EU accession. | European Commission € 295,000 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Jordan | 2020 - 2021 | Mid Term Evaluation of EU Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy. An overall independent assessment of the past performance of the SWM Budget Support programme and identification of key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations in order to improve current and future Budget Support programmes | European Commission € 41,250 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Cambodia | 2021 | Support for writing of the Thematic Analytical Report on Economic Activities and Employment of the 2019 General Population Census of Cambodia. Technical assistance to the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) to produce in-depth thematic analysis report on Economic Activities and Employment based on the 2019 Census dataset. Interpreting census data, and using relevant literature on the concerned topic. Capacity building of NIS staff. | European Commission € 69,380 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Comoros | 2020 - 2021 | Study on improving efficiency and computerising information of the commercial register and the procedures for registering company legal documents. Analysis of current procedures for company registration. Identification of reforms required to improve the process. Proposal of a road map for making on-line registration available to all end-users. | World Bank USD 160,244 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Central Africa Region (CEMAC) | 2020 - 2021 | Support for operationalising the Business Climate observatory in the CEMAC zone. Establishing the tools for monitoring the business climate (dashboard, indicators, database, measuring technicques). Collecting data in Cameroun, Gabon and Congo. Producing guidelines. Seeting up the database on the CEMAC servers. Support for going on-line. Training of staff. | Agence Française de Developpement € 50,606 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Pakistan | 2019 - 2021 | Design of New Public Investment Management Framework for improving public investment management in public services in Balochistan. Support the Planning and Development Department; Government of Balochistan in: (i) own source investments; (ii) PPP arrangements; (iii) private sector capital investments governance and management. | World Bank USD 208,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2020 | Drafting of the strategic development plan for the Burkina Investment Promotion Agency (ABI). Undertake a diagnostic of the organisation, SWOT analysis, identification of options, proposal marketing and communication tools and support for how to better monitor inestments, benchmar study and identification of 5-year plan. | European Commission € 68,593 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
West Africa Region | 2019 - 2023 | Fiscal Transition Support Programme. Support to the WAEMU and ECOWAS member states for improving tax management; strengthening measures for tackling fraud, tax evasion and illicit financial flows so as to improve tax revenues; and strengthening the regional and national fiscal transition coordination systems. | European Commission € 6,120,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Albania | 2019 - 2022 | Compliance review of budget support general eligibility – PFM, budget transparency and oversight for the purpose of disbursements of tranches and policy dialogue under ongoing and new budget support programmes. | European Commission € 263,029 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Marshall Islands | 2020 - 2021 | Senior Advisor to the Office of the Auditor General in Majuro (Republic of Marshall Islands). Fraud surevillance and prevention. | European Commission € 268,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Tunisia | 2020 - 2022 | Support for Public Finance Management Analysis. To strengthen the EU Delegations capacity to analyse the Government Budget and PFM, leading to increased capacity for assessing budget support eligibility, project cycle management and policy dialogue in the field of PFM. | European Commission € 163,229 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Angola | 2019 - 2021 | Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,992,900 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Mauritania | 2017 - 2021 | Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,579,960 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Dominican Republic | 2019 - 2020 | Program to Improve the Efficiency of the Tax Administration and Public Expenditure Management in the Dominican Republic, Component II. Consulting for the improvement and standardisation of the cost execution processes and their registration in the financial management information system (SIGEF) | Inter-American Development Bank € 499,700 | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2019 - 2020 | Production of extension content and dissemination of agricultural information for the benefit of the rural world. | ARCEP € 98,806 | Agriculture & RD |
Benin | 2018 - 2021 | Support to the Strengthening of Private Sector Agricultural Operators (PARASEP). Projet components are (i) strengthening Public – Private dialogue with a view to improving the business environment; (ii) support to the export marketing of agri produce; (iii) training of entrepreneurs and business development support; (iv) technical support for agri product development. | Agence Française de Developpement € 1,799,972 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Papua New Guinea | 2019 - 2021 | Technical Assistance for Public Money Management Regularization. Assist the Ministry of Finance to implement the arrangements and operationalisation of the Public Money Management Regularisation Act. Review all laws in PNG so as to ensure compliance with the PFMA and the PMMR by removal of all provisions that relate to non-tax revenue, investments and loans and replacement with provisions that are consistent with the PFMA and the PMMR. | European Commission € 649,624 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Somalia | 2018 - 2021 | Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,896,500 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Zimbabwe | 2018 – 2021 | Support to the National Authorising Officer. To strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,726,500 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Burkina Faso | 2017 - 2020 | Support for the strengthening of Public Finance Management. Support for PFM reforms, asset management and accounting for financial assets/liabilities, budget transparency, procurement statistics, programme budgeting, tax policy and administration, support for anti-corruption measures as well as internal and external control. | European Commission € 3,679,300 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Côte d’Ivoire | 2017 - 2020 | Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and Department of Land Management. To renew and strengthen sector level public finance management systems for planning, programming, budgeting and monitoring within the Ministry of Agriculture and to support the development of a land management policy and the establishment of a land management bureau. Support is provided in the context of an EU sector budget support programme | European Commission € 3,405,500 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries | 2019 - 2020 | Municipal Finance Study on Energy, Climate & Environment Sectors in Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries. | European Commission € 162,132 | Agriculture & RD |
Niger | 2019 - 2020 | Support for improving the programme based budgets of the Ministry of Health as well as the Ministries 3-monthly and annual budget execution reports. | European Commission € 119,820 | Public Finance Management |
African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Region | 2019 - 2020 | Short-term Assistance to support the formulation of actions in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions under the Intra ACP Climate Services and Related Applications programme. | European Commission € 62,360 | Agriculture & RD |
Moldova | 2018 - 2020 | Strengthening of the policy development process in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement. Enhance the institutional and human resource capacity of the central and local public administrations to elaborate and implement evidence-based policy and to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of high- quality administrative services in line with the European Principles of Public Administration. | European Commission € 1,825,000 Linpico 17% | Governance and Aid Management |
Benin | 2020 | Support for strengthening Internal Control in Budget Execution in the context of the transition towards programme based budgeting. | European Commission € 144,860 | Public Finance Management |
Swaziland | 2018 - 2020 | Technical Assistance Support for the High Value Crop and Horticulture Project (HVCHP). To support high impact commodity chains with a focus on horticulture through strengthening of market finding, production planning, production, packing and collection of products. To support in an advisory and institutional strengthening role the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and its parastatals SWADE and NAMBOARD in implementing the project. | European Commission € 1,704,000 Linpico 34% | Governance and Aid Management |
Turks & Caicos | 2020 | PEFA assessment 2019 Turks and Caicos Islands. Providing up-to-date assessment on the performance of the public financial management systems. | European Commission € 98,764 | Public Finance Management |
Albania | 2020 | Support for the State Cadastre Agency of Albania. Strengthening the protection of the right to property in Albania and the right to ownership as one of the fundamental rights. | European Commission € 243,500 | Governance and Aid Management |
Paraguay | 2020 | Support for the Establishment and Running of a Unit responsible for implementing the Government’s PFM reform programme. | European Commission € 169,980 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2020 | Support to the Court of Auditors. To strengthen the capacity of the Court of Auditor (Cour des Comptes) judges in auditing public accounts, local level finances and state owned enetreprises. | European Commission € 306,422 | Public Finance Management |
Uzbekistan | 2020 | Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture. To assist the Ministry of Agriculture in leading the implementation of the Roadmap 2020 of the Uzbekistan Agri-food Development Strategy 2020-2030, which aim is to develop a competitive, market and export-oriented Uzbekistan agri-food sector that will increase farm incomes, create new jobs, enhance food security and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. | European Commission € 493,540 | Agriculture & RD |
Sierra Leone | 2016 - 2019 | State Building Contract Complementary Services. Support for implementation of the Government’s Public Finance Management Reform Strategy. Support for monitoring and implementing National Development Policy. Advice and coaching for improved macroeconomic and fiscal policy formulation, the Accountant General’s Department, internal and external audit, budget planning and formulation and sector budget analysis. Specific support to the Ministry of Education for policy development, M&E, budget planning and formulation. | European Commission € 4,495,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun | 2016 - 2019 | Support to Agriculture and Agri-food SMEs for food production, processing and marketing. The project aims to improve information and awareness about new technologies, acces to finance and provides training for operators. | Agence Française de Developpement € 913,664 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey | 2019 | Evaluation of the EU support actions for the participation of beneficiaries in EU Agencies funded in the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. | European Commission € 184,988 | Governance and Aid Management |
Botswana / SADC | 2019 | Technical Assistance to support SADC Secretariat in Procurement and Financial Management. To improve the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the SADC Secretariat's financial management and procurement systems. | European Commission € 238,860 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Nigeria | 2016 -2019 | Bayelsa State, Public Finance Management Reform Project. Support for Budget Preparation, Accounting Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting and Public Finance Management Legislation. | World Bank USD 720,250 | Public Finance Management |
El Salvador | 2017 -2018 | Strategic Evaluation Budget Support to El Salvador 2009 – 2017. Evaluation focuses on poverty reduction, macro-economic stability, reforms in public finance management, including domestic revenue mobilization, economic growth, social development (cohesion/inclusion) and human security, in particular for youth and women and private sector development. The evlautaion also asses to what extent gender, good governance and human rights have been mainstreamed through budget support operations. | European Commission € 250,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Lesotho | 2015 - 2019 | Support to Public Finance Management Reform. Implementation of a modern PFM regulatory framework. Assure transparency and effectiveness of policy orientation of the budget. Improve governance and institutional management of PFM reforms so as to facilitate ownership, monitoring and evaluation of progress. | European Commission € 3,837,500 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Lesotho | 2014 - 2021 | Support to the Management and Coordination of Development Cooperation. To contribute to the implementation of Lesotho's national development agenda. The specific purpose is to help improve effectiveness of aid policy orientation through strengthened management and coordination of development cooperation and in particular strengthen the office of the National Authorising Officer. | European Commission € 2,952,000 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Lesotho | 2018 -2020 | Review of the Structure and Functioning of LNDC – Phase II Implementation. To provide facilitation assistance to the Lesotho National Development Corporation in carrying out its restructuring plan and becoming an effective and self-sustaining economic development agency. | Trade & Private Sector Management | |
Cambodia | 2019 - 2020 | Support to PFM Monitoring and PEFA Assessment. Strengthening M&E systems of PFM reform. Improving communication of the PFM reforms and conducting a PEFA assessment. | European Commission € 285,030 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Belarus | 2019 - 2020 | Municipal Finance Study on Energy, Climiate and Environment Sectors. Assessment of gaps in municipal investments in the renewable energy sector, energy efficiency, climate and environment sectors and presentation of recommendations for future EU interventions that contribute to better sustainability of municipal investements in these sectors. | European Commission € 162,132 | Public Finance Management |
Armenia | 2020 | Final Evaluation for 4 Budget Support Programmes: Support to Justice Reform – Phase II; Vocational Education and Training reform and Employment strategy programme; Public Finance Policy Reform Programme; Support for the implementation of the ENP AP and preparations for the future Association Agreement – Phase II | European Commission € 99,542 | Governance and Aid Management |
Burkina Faso | 2019 - 2020 | Development of an IT based Management Information system for the Agriculture sector. Development of specifications and data quality control measures, collection and analysis of data, development and operationalization of the Management Information System. Training of end users. | World Bank € 116,590 | IT |
Serbia | 2019 - 2020 | Strategic evaluation of the EU’s cooperation with Serbia over the period 2012 – 2018 | European Commission € 224,904 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Dominica | 2019 - 2020 | Final Evaluation of State Building Contract for Dominica for Rehabilitation following Tropical Storm Erika. | European Commission € 38,300 | Governance and Aid Management |
Uganda | 2019 - 2020 | Review of the Development Initiative for Northern Uganda Programme Start-Up | European Commission € 74,960 | Agriculture & RD |
Moldova | 2019 - 2020 | Final Evaluation of EU Budget Support Programmes, more specifically the “Economic Stimulation in Rural Areas” programme, and its two consecutive top-ups, and the “Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Sector Reform Contract” (DCFTA SRC). | European Commission € 186,795 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Uzbekistan | 2018 - 2019 | Identification and Formulation of the Sector Reform Performance Contract for 2019. To contribute to the technical preparation of the EU Rural Development Sector Reform Performance Contract and identify technical assistance needs in the areas of rural development and public financial management | European Commission € 410,106 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Chad | 2018 - 2019 | Study on the IT architechture and software design for an Integrated Financial Managemennt Information System (IFMIS). Analysis of sytem planning and design, including IT cabling and software options for the Ministry of Finance | Agence Française de Développemnt € 264,300 | IT |
Benin | 2019 | Support for the transition towards programme based budgeting. | European Commission € 88,400 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Asia | 2019 | Evaluation of the project proposals submitted under the SWITCH-Asia and Central Asia II – Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production Programme Restricted Call for Proposals 2019. | European Commission € 112,825 Linpico 20% | Agriculture |
Algeria | 2019 | Drafting of the tender dossier for a Technical Assistance programme in support of Public Finance Management Reform. | European Commission € 106,512 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Honduras | 2019 | Midterm Evaluation of Food Security, Nutrition and Resilience in the Dry Corridor (EUROSAN) Project | European Commission € 132,900 Linpico 33% | Agriculture |
Egypt | 2019 | Preparation of Twinning Fiches to support the Tax Authority. To support the EU Delegation in designing a Twinning project in the area of taxation in view to: facilitate a gradual harmonization of Egyptian tax practices with relevant EU standards and norms; contribute to the on-going reform of institutional measures in tax area; and facilitate business environment. | European Commission € 75,910 | Public Finance Management |
West Bank & Gaza | 2019 | Identification and formulation mission for future intervention through technical assistance project to support the Palestinian public administration reform. Tto assist the General Personnel Council and the Prime Minister Office in assessing the needs and formulating relevant and feasible project(s) of intervention for supporting Palestinian Public Administration Reform | European Commission € 58,639 | Governance and Aid Management |
West Africa | 2019 | Final Evaluation of the Support for combatting and control of Fruit Fly in West Africa project | European Commission € 95,100 Linpico 33% | Agriculture |
Ukraine | 2018 - 2019 | Support for the implementation of the Public Procurement Reform reform Startegy/Road map for harmonization in Ukraine, including legislative harmonization and strengthening the monitoring of Public Procurement contracts. | European Commission € 298,600 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Jamaica | 2018 - 2019 | Technical Asssitance to develop an Intergrated Financial Management Information System. Assess the current environment (“as is” state) that supports the central treasury management system. Reengineer the processes of the core modules of an IFMIS (“to be” state). Develop the Systems Requirement Specification for the IFMIS. Develop the appropriate Business Case and project documents to guide and support the implementation of the IFMIS. Develop a Request for Proposal to procure a solution based on the recommendations of the IFMIS Steering Committee. | European Commission € 552,768 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Macedonia | 2018 - 2019 | EU for YOU - Information and communication country-wide campaign on EU assistance. To ensure communication about the EU and the enlargement process and rause public awareness about the EU, its values and policies. | European Commission € 259,790 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Egypt | 2019 | Preparation of Twinning Fiche to support Customs Authority. To facilitate a gradual harmonisation of Egyptian customs practices with relevant EU standards and norms. To contribute to the on-going reforms of institutional measures in the Customs area and to facilitate the business environment. | European Commission € 88,330 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Bolivia | 2019 | Final Evaluation of the Budget support programme "Apoyo Presupuestario Sectorial a la Estrategia de Desarrollo Integral con Coca 2011-2015 en Bolivia –PAPS II" | European Commission € 99,497 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
ENI & Russia | 2018 - 2019 | Evaluation of the EU's engagement with Civil Society in the enlargement, neighbourhood regions and Russia over the period 2007-2018. This evaluation is a thematic-level one, looking at the EU's engagement with Civil Society. It will be based on the assessment of a selection of interventions cutting across countries and sectors, in enlargement, neighbourhood regions and Russia | European Commission € 325,000 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Greenland | 2019 | Progress report on Public Finance Management system improvement in Greenland in 2018. To assist the Government of Greenland in monitoring Greenland’s public finance management system to verify if the eligibility criteria of the EU budget support have been fulfilled. | European Commission € 53,294 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Mali | 2018 - 2019 | Identification of legal and regulatory obstacles that could hinder the disclosure of the actual owners of extractive companies operating in Mali. To identify and diagnose legal barriers to the disclosure of beneficial ownership of extractive industries in Mali and propose to the EITI Steering Committee legal and / or regulatory options for systematic disclosure of the identity of the actual owners of companies operating in the country. | European Commission € 118,450 Lead | Public Finance Management |
West Bank and Gaza | 2018 - 2019 | Strengthening the capacities of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau and supporting the Bureau to become an independent, efficient and effective external audit institution in line with INTOSAI standards. To strengthen the capacities of the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB or Bureau) and in particular to support the Bureau to become an independent, efficient and effective external audit institution in line with INTOSAI standards. | European Commission € 49,981 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Bhutan | 2018 - 2019 | Assessment of Budget Support Result Indicators for 2018. To carry out sector performance assessment, analyse the progress on the Result Indicators and sector policies in support of sound implementation (including communication aspects) of the two EU supported sector budget support programmes : Capacity Development for Local Government and Fiscal Decentralisation and Rural Development and Climate Change Response. | European Commission € 55,349 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Nigeria | 2016 - 2019 | Bayelsa State, Public Finance Management Reform Project. Support for Budget Preparation, Accounting Expenditure Control and Financial Reporting and Public Finance Management Legislation. | World Bank USD 720,250 Linpico 100% ITD € 569,877 | Public Finance Management |
Benin | 2015 - 2018 | Support to the Strengthening of Private Sector Operators (PARASEP). Project components are (i) strengthening Public – Private dialogue with a view to improving the business environment; (ii) support to the export marketing of agri produce; (iii) training of entrepreneurs and business development support; (iv) technical support for agri product development. | Agence Française de Developpement € 2,270,860 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Afghanistan | 2016 - 2018 | Procurement Facilitation, Support and Strengthening of the National Procurement Authority. Building procurement capacity within the National Procurement Authority and assisting line ministries in carrying out public procurement. | World Bank USD 2,483,265 | Public Finance Management |
Comoros | 2017 - 2018 | Support for drafting and implementation of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) and monitoring the implementation of the Government’s Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D). Technical assistance to the Planning commission and Ministry of Finance. | African Development Bank € 533,200 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun | 2018 - 2019 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management of the Douala municipality according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | French Government €123,621 Linpico 100% | Public Finance Management |
Macedonia | 2017 - 2019 | Development and re-engineering of business processes of the new tax integrated IT system. To improve the administrative capacities of the PRO and to develop further effective business processes on which basis the new integrated IT system will be built, and at same time to ensure cost effectiveness of expenditures for tax collection and better quality services to taxpayers and third parties. | European Commission € 299,766 | IT |
Egypt | 2017 - 2018 | Drafting Request for Proposal for Integrated ERP and Decision Support System in Egyptian Petroleum Sector. | European Commission € 268,260 | IT |
Afghanistan | 2014 - 2018 | Capacity Building for Results Facility (CBRF): Human Resource Management and capacity building programme to support the Ministry of Finance and Civil Service Commission in HR related tasks for all staff positions under the CBR programme, including support for preparation of TOR, recruitment, performance appraisal, checking credentials of applicants, other due diligence activities in line with government law and procedures. CBR aims at recruiting 2,500 civil servants. | World Bank USD 8,908,704 Consortium member | Governance and Aid Management |
Armenia | 2015 - 2018 | Enhancing policy dialogue around Public Adminstration Reforms. To enhance policy dialogue and the visibility of Budget Support Operations and to provide technical assistance in areas of Public Administration Reform. | European Commission € 271,000 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Djibouti | 2015 - 2017 | Support for the implementation of Djibouti – EU cooperation. To strengthen the national system for planning and implementation of development strategies. To improve monitoring and evaluation of national development plan implementation. | European Commission € 580,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Wallis & Futuna | 2016 - 2017 | Technical Assistance to support public policy and development coordination services, including the office responsible for Aid from the European Union and the office responsible for support from France. The poject aims to improve the management of Public Finances | European Commission € 312,200 | Governance and Aid Management |
Lesotho | 2016 - 2017 | Review of the Structure and Functioning of the Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC). Diagnostic of the organisational structure and operations of the LNDC. Benchmarking Best Practice. Preparation of Options Paper and Final recommended option for restructuring. | World Bank USD 376,957 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Serbia | 2016 - 2017 | Technical Assistance to the Justice Sector. TA to the EU Delegation and the main beneficiaries (Ministry of Justice, the ICT Sectoral Council, Public prosecutors’ office and Administration for the Enforcement of Criminal Sanctions, High Judicial Council, Supreme Court of Cassation) to support the E-Justice system. | European Commission € 108,217 | IT |
Mauritania | 2011 - 2016 | Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,804,150 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Asia & The Pacific | 2015 - 2019 | Results Oriented Reviews and Monitoring (ROM) and support to generate aggregate data for reporting to the EuropeAid executive and the European parliament; to provide an independent assessment of project performance, with a focus on results; and to provide advice / recommendations to project stakeholders, including lessons learned. | European Commission € 9,920,491 Consortium member | Governance and Aid Management |
Egypt | 2013 - 2016 | Building the Capacities of the Ministry of International Cooperation in the Field of Planning, Managing, Monitoring and Evaluating Official Development Assistance. Improving the systems related to ODA at both the policy and program levels to support better aid management | European Commission € 1,150,100 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Burkina Faso | 2017 | Support Programme for Health Sector Policy. Study for the definition of a provision for monitoing, mobilization and capitalization of financial flows in support of health and nutrition. | European Commission € 58,575 | Public Finance Management |
ENPI & IPA region | 2017 -2018 | Evaluation of EU support for Security Sector Reform (SSR) in enlargement and neighbourhood countries (2010-2016). To provide an assessment and evidence on the scope and performance of the implemented and on-going EU support for SSR. | European Commission € 89,531 | Governance and Aid Management |
DR Congo | 2011 - 2016 | Support for the implementation of the government’s Action Plan for Reforming Public Finance Management (PAMFIP). Modernization of Public Finance Management through improved budget preparation and execution and increasing receipts. | European Commission € 2,081,924 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Benin | 2016 | Training of Customs Inspectors. Institutional strengthening and capacity development and drafting of a procedures manual related to Risk Management and Selectivity. | African Development Bank € 60,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Madagascar | 2016 | Support for the development of a National Strategy and Action Plan for the Reform of Public Finance Management. | African Development Bank € 154,592 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Mali | 2015 - 2016 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. Training in PEFA methodology. | World Bank € 134,520 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Ethiopia | 2015 - 2016 | EU – Ethiopia Cooperation. EU+ Joint Programming Exercise II. | European Commission € 38,100 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
West Africa | 2015 - 2016 | Technical Assistance to the ECOWAS Investment and Development Bank (BIDC). Development of a strategy and procedures for resource mobilization for BIDC. | African Development Bank USD 114,605 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Papua New Guinea | 2013 - 2017 | Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and financial and contractual management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,183,930 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Burkina Faso | 2012 - 2015 | Techncial Assistance to the Public Finance Component of the Programme to support public finance management and statistics. Linpico provides 3 long-term experts and short-term expertise working in the fields of fiscal revenue, budget planning and execution, external audit and control and improving communication and transparency. | European Commission € 1,197,640 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Nigeria | 2013 - 2014 | Edo State, Implementation of Accounting, Expenditure Control and Reporting and Public Finance legislation Reforms. Review of the current Public Financial Management practices and regulations in order to facilitate transparency and accountability in management of public resources. | World Bank USD 899,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Chad | 2013 - 2014 | PFM Improvement programme. Establishing the pre-requisites and capacity building for Programme Budgeting | World Bank € 568 120 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Ethiopia | 2012 - 2014 | Support to the National Authorising Officer: to ensure a timely and effective preparation and implementation of the cooperation activities implemented by the Government of Ethiopia with funding from the European Union. | European Commission € 1,027,000 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Afghanistan | 2011 - 2015 | Procurement Strengthening and Support for Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development Services (ARDS). Providing procurement capacity to facilitate transparent utilization of donor resources for reconstruction and development. Assisting line ministries in carrying out procurement or carrying out procurement on their behalf, in conformity with guidelines of funding agencies for all goods, works and services financed directly by WB, WB-administered Trust Funds as well as Government contracts. | World Bank USD 6,075,184 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Chad | 2011 - 2014 | Support to the National Authorising Officer: to strengthen institutional capacity and improve the programming and management, including all procurement of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination. | European Commission € 1,804,440 Consortium member | Governance and Aid Management |
Kuwait | 2013 - 2015 | Advisory Services for Food Security Strategy Preparation, Implementation and Monitoring. Review existing arrangements and quantify food security. Prepare and oversee implementation of a comprehensive food security strategy. Recommend the establishment of food security monitoring system. | Kuwait Investment Authority USD 1,960,702 Consortium member | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Central Asia | 2015 - 2016 | Identification and Formulation of an EU funded Programme “EU Regional Environmental Programme for Central Asia – Phase II” | European Commission € 569,825 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Tajikistan | 2015 - 2016 | Support to the Ministry of Finance for the integration concept, HR and payroll software automation development. Functional review of the HR management and payroll accounting system, preparation of conceptual plan on process improvement and preparation of documents for implementation of automated payroll accounting system, integrated with the HR management system. | World Bank USD 422,471 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Equatorial Guinee | 2016 | Support to Public Finance Management. Revision of the Legal Framework (Tax Code), automation of the Tax Management system and training of Tax officers. | African Development Bank € 644,427 Lead | Public Finance Management |
All Africa | 2012 - 2015 | Technical, Administrative and Logistical assistance to the Joint Africa – EU Strategy Support Mechanism. To improve results oriented coordination of JAES Action Plan implementation. Thematic priorities of the Action Plan are Peace and Security, Democratic Governance and Human rights, Trade, Regional Intergration and Infrastructure, Millenium Development Goals, Energy, Climate Change and Environment, Migration, Mobility and Employment, Science, Information Society and Space. | European Commission € 8,049,099 Consortium member | Governance and Aid Management |
Afghanistan | 2011 - 2015 | Procurement Strengthening and Support for Afghanistan Reconstruction and Development Services (ARDS). Providing procurement capacity to facilitate transparent utilization of donor resources for reconstruction and development. Assisting line ministries in carrying out procurement or carrying out procurement on their behalf, in conformity with guidelines of funding agencies for all goods, works and services financed directly by WB, WB-administered Trust Funds as well as Government contracts. | World Bank € 6,800,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2012 - 2015 | Techncial Assistance to the Public Finance Component of the Programme to support public finance management and statistics. Linpico provides 3 long-term experts and short-term expertise working in the fields of fiscal revenue, budget planning and execution, external audit and control and improving communication and transparency. | European Commission € 1,197,640 Lead | Public Finance Management |
Djibouti | 2015 | Feasibility Study for a Private Sector Development Project. | Agence Francaise de Development € 58,810 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Nigeria | 2014 - 2015 | Edo Stae, Implementation of Accounting, Expenditure Control and Reporting and Public Finance legislation Reforms. Review of the current Public Financial Management practices and regulations in order to facilitate transparency and accountability in management of public resources. | World Bank USD 899,000 Lead | Public Finance Management |
East Caribbean Region | 2015 | Regional needs assessment of infrastructure and service requirements of the yachting and mega yacht industry. Development of investment plans for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, St Lucia and St Kitts & Nevis (Biz Clim Facility). | European Commission € 150,000 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Jamaica | 2015 | Enhancing Competitiveness in the Caribbean via Patent Examination Training. To promote patent, standardisation and harmonisation as trade catalysts in technological sectors and ensure patent examination uniformity within the participating countries in the Caribbean region. The specific purpose is to improve patent examination capacities and procedures in the field of Mechanics, Electronics and Chemistry in the Caribbean region (TBT Programme) | European Commission € 165,525 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
ACP Region | 2015 - 2016 | Technical Barriers toTrade Support to ACP Geneva Office Secretariat. To strengthen the ability of ACP Members to participate in the multilateral trading system by improving their understanding, influence and compliance with TBT requirements and standards. (TBT Programme) | European Commission € 198,100 Lead | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Worldwide | 2015 | Operational support facility for EU Delegations implementing Thematic Programme on Civil Society Organizations / Local Authorities. Support to EU Delegations worldwide, in the technical and financial evaluation of the concept notes and full proposals received under in-country calls for proposals | European Commission € 318,050 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Pre-Accession Countries | 2014 - 2015 | Thematic Evaluation on IPA support to the fight against corruption. To provide recommendations for combatting corruption in IPA countries (Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Turkey), based on evaultaion of previous EU support in this area. | European Commission € 199,070 Lead | Governance and Aid Management |
Worldwide | 2015 | Operational support for EU Delegations implementing Thematic Programme on Non State Actors / Local Authorities Support for the organisation of information, capacity-building and networking sessions for potential or actual beneficiaries of the thematic programme. Support quality implementation of the NSA/LA portfolio at country level. | European Commission € 318,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Georgia | 2014 - 2015 | Ex-Ante Evaluation for Establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation System. To set up a M&E system at the outset of the SSF 2014-2017 to secure the timely provision of relevant information and data on the achieved results for different levels of the European Union and the partner government. | European Commission € 159 316 | Governance and Aid Management |
Burkina Faso | 2014 - 2015 | Establishment of an Information Centre to collect, analyse and disseminate data amongst public institutions dealing with the Mining sector. Stock take of all available information on the mining sector and which institution holds this information. Creation of a database of all enterprises operating in the mining sector and development of a Management Information System. | World Bank € 208,671 | IT |
Cameroon | 2014 - 2015 | Evaluation of 3 Agriculture / Food Security Projects funded by AFD. Evaluation of a Rural Development Programme; a small holder competitiveness project; and a Agriculture Vocational Training project. | Agence Française de Développement € 40,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Kyrgyz Republic | 2014 - 2015 | Capacity Building in Public Finance Management. Provide training on PEFA assessment methodology. Support PEFA self-assessment and prepare full PEFA report. Identify key PFM reforms and advise on how best to revise national PFM strategy based on PEFA findings. | World Bank USD 173,233 | Public Finance Management |
Belarus | 2014 - 2015 | Evaluation of TAIEX events for Belerussian beneficiary institutions. To identify strengths and weaknesses of past TAIEX assistance and help define focus areas for future support. Sectors supported by TAIEX include Energy, Environment, Food Safety, Vocational Education and Training. | European Commission € 28,928 | Governance and Aid Management |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 2014 - 2015 | Assessment of Bosnia and Herzegovina capacities for election observation. Provision of advice for the 2014 elections in the area of media/advocacy strategy and detecting and addressing irregularities in election processes. Prepared project scope for EU funded project to support capacity building of local NGOs in election observation. Assessed media coverage and media environment during 2014 election | European Commission € 296,260 | Governance and Aid Management |
DR Congo | 2011 - 2014 | Support to the National Authorising Officer: in order to maximise DR Congo’s capacity to absorb the development funds provided by the European Commission and to ensure these funds are used in the most efficient and effective way and ensuring all procurement of works, supplies and services (approximately € 600 million) is carried out in accordance with EU procedures. | European Commission € 1,047,994 | Governance and Aid Management |
COMESA | 2011 - 2014 | Support to COMESA for Improved Monitoring and Evaluation. Improve Donor Coordination and Monitoring of Regional programmes. Improve Coordination of the Regional Policy agenda and increase Aid Effectiveness. | European Commission € 525,526 | Governance and Aid Management |
Namibia | 2012 - 2014 | Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Education with Textbook Supply Chain Management and Management Training. Uprgading of textbook procurement, supply and supply management, training and upgrading the capacity of teaching and management professionals throughout Namibia.Installation of an Education Management Information System (EMIS). | Millenium Challenge USD 1,047,000 | IT |
Caribbean Region | 2013 - 2014 | Monitoring the implementation and results of the CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Review objective data related to the EPA. Review the implementation of the EPA by both parties (compliance). Take stock of economic results and its achievement of development objectives. | European Commission € 349,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Mauritania | 2014 | Implementation of the Public Finance Management Reform Action Plan. Monitoring of PFMR implementation; development of a capacity building programme, communication activities. | World Bank USD 196,200 | Public Finance Management |
Turkey | 2013 - 2014 | Evaluation and impact assessment of the European Union’s past and present (on going) support to Agriculture Sector in Turkey with a view to come up with recommendations for future actions to promote in the framework of a sector approach. | European Commission € 150,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
South Africa | 2013 - 2014 | Development of a Public Financial Management Education, Training and Development Model that will enable and ensure effective delivery of public financial management learning solutions in the National and Provincial government spheres. | European Commission € 79,000 | Public Finance Management |
Belize | 2013 - 2014 | PEFA Assessment. Repeat assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. Training in PEFA methodology (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 153,716 | Public Finance Management |
Yemen | 2013 - 2014 | Needs assessment for development of Civil Register. Develop an appropriate IT solution for national roll-out of the civil registry system incl. technical requirements; Identify training needs for CR authority staff in relation to maintaining a functioning electronic civil register ; Prepare technical requirements for equipment to allow establishment of a full tender dossier for procurement/supplies. | European Commission € 190,000 | IT |
Macedonia | 2013 - 2014 | Preparation of tender documentation for modernization and adaptation of Social Work Centres and Employment Service Agency. Preparation of detailed design, including drawings, specifications and Bill of Quantities. Prepration of tender documentation in compliance with PRAG. | European Commission € 99,323 | Governance and Aid Management |
Central African Republic | 2013 - 2014 | Support to the National Authorizing Officer. Provision of a National Coordinator to support the programming, monitoring and financial management of the EU funded development programme. | European Commission € 153,970 | Governance and Aid Management |
British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands | 2011 - 2014 | Management of Protected Areas to Support Sustainable Economies. Linpico provides technical assistance for the financial and administrative management of four Grant Contracts. These contracts are with (i) The United Kingdom Overseas Territories Conservation Forum (UKOTCF); (ii) The British Virgin Islands National Parks Trust (BVINPT); (iii) The National Trust of the Cayman Islands (NTCI); and (iv) The Turks and Caicos Islands National Trust (TCNT). | European Commission € 565,530 | Governance and Aid Management |
Aruba | 2013 - 2014 | Assessment of implementation of Budget Support. To prepare reports on the progress made in the area of Public Financial Management, macroeconomic stability and implementation of the national education sector policy and strategy in Aruba during 2012 and 2013 | European Commission € 66,384 | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun | 2013 - 2014 | Feasibility Study for establishing a Government Financial Management Information System for public finance management. Detailed analysis and recommendations on whether to further develop the existing GFMIS or procure a new system. | KfW € 62,570 | Public Finance Management |
Afghanistan | 2013 | Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the HR Management System of the Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP). Review existing HR practices and policies. Provide recommendations for improvement. Support implementation of HR policy and develop a system of checks and balances to ensure increased accountability and transparency of the HR system. | World Bank USD 449,796 | Education |
Seychelles | 2012 - 2013 | Public Administration Reform Project. Support and training for the implementation of the government’s public administration reform process. Enhancement of skills in critical areas of public sector management, such as contracting out, fiscal and social impact analysis of reforms and management of autonomous public sector organiezations and assistance in defining and implementing a new public sector pay policy. | World Bank USD 425,485 | Public Finance Management |
European Neighbourhood Region | 2013 | Evaluation of the Programme Support for Improvement in Governance and Management (SIGMA). SIGMA provides assistance to beneficiaries to advance their governance reforms, to consolidate capacities to continue their reforms, and to create conditions for effective, efficient and reliable use of EU funds. Target groups include Central Authorities responsible for management systems of civil service, administrative law, expenditure management, public procurement, financial control and external audit mainly, Ministries of Finance, Court of Accounts, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. | European Commission € 160,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | 2013 | Preparation of Terms of Reference for the establishment of unified software for one-stop-shop systems for business registration. Development of System Requirements for an IT solution for business registration. | European Commission € 39,975 | IT |
Kosovo | 2013 | Assistance to design IPA 2013 Programme to support Kosovo’s trade policy. Design of a project, including drafting of ToR, to enhance trade facilitation and negotiation expertise within the Ministry of Trade and Industry. | European Commission € 22,886 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Côte d’Ivoire | 2013 | Study on Fiscal Reforms in the Cofee and Cocao sector. Recommendations on how a new tax regime can contribute to the sustainable development of the sector and ensure higher returns to farmers. | World Bank € 92,495 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Benin, Burkina Faso & Mali | 2013 | Study on shelling and adding value for marketing of the West African Jatropha nut. Study on current practises for shelling and marketing of the Jatropha nut. Recommendations on how to improve these two areas. | ADECIA (French Government) €23,025 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Sao Tomé & Principe | 2013 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | European Commission € 105,000 | Public Finance Management |
Comores | 2013 | PEFA Assessment. Repeat assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. | African Development Bank € 130,000 | Public Finance Management |
Africa | 2013 | To explore the feasibility of extending the AfricaConnect backbone, which will connect dedicated National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Africa to each other and to their peers in other continents via the pan-European research and education backbone network GEANT and increase the capacity of the existing NRENs. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3) | European Commission € 183,104 | IT |
Pitcairn | 2013 | An assessment of Public Financial Management. An assessment of the current situation in PFM recommendations to improve efficiency of expenditure, of public investment, of service delivery and the possibility for decentralization. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 19,950 | Public Finance Management |
India | 2012 - 2013 | Assessment of the current status of the PFM system in India, which is expected to contribute towards the on-going monitoring process on PFM reform and inform the EU on the release of funds related to budget support for the State Partnership Programmes in Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh, and for three centrally-sponsored flagship programmes in the education and health sectors. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 84,708 | Public Finance Management |
Bangladesh | 2011 - 2013 | Promotion of Aid Effectiveness and Coordination. Support for mapping, EU+ aid data and portfolio presentation and communication, Joint Cooperation Strategy and Policy dialogue and drafting of a consolidated Aid Policy (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 197,528 | Governance and Aid Management |
Namibia | 2012 - 2013 | Textbook Utilization Training. To develop a framework for institutalization of textbook utilization training and its delivery into pre-service and in-service educator development, including effective implementation down to school level. | Millenium Challenge USD 234,000 | Education |
Lebanon | 2012 – 2013 | Support to the Automated Commercial Register (CR) of Beirut. Automation of of the records of the CR, estimated at 30-40,000 files each containing 20-30 pages, including file sorting and preparation, data entry, scanning, and indexing of papers, and develop needed applications, train employees, and launch the CR on-line for the specified set of records on a pilot basis for the public. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3) | European Commission € 182,400 | IT |
Uganda | 2012 - 2013 | Support to the design phase of an Equity Fund Initiative for the Small and Medium Agribusiness (SMA) development fund. Linpico provides technical advice, coordination and assistance with partnership agreements for the EU delegation in Uganda and other funding partners. | European Commission € 99,943 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Central African Republic | 2009 - 2013 | Support to the National Authorising Officer (NAO) so as to improve the programming and management of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination, particularly in relation to the planning, implementation and monitoring of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy. | European Commission € 1,498,380 | Governance and Aid Management |
Worldwide | 2013 | Study to assist EuropeAid with the design of a results framework for aid it manages; and in doing so promote common EU results approaches. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 404,450 | Governance and Aid Management |
Turkey | 2013 | Evaluation of the Assistance provided by the EU’s Turkish Pre-Accession instrument 2002 – 2006. The purpose of the ex post evaluation is to provide (a) accountability with respect to value for money and use of funds; and (b) lessons learned on financial assistance. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 80,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Armenia | 2013 | Mid-term Evaluation of the EU Advisory Group to the Republic of Armenia – Phase III. The project supports the government’s reform agenda in core areas of EU-Armenia ENP Action Plan and Association Agreement. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 40,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Caribbean Region | 2013 | Development of a Knowledge Management Framework and provision of related services for the Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network ACP Connect. Provision of assistance to National Research and Education Networks with the development of a suite of knowledge management and portal services. Development of a strengthened policy environment and enhanced capacity for Open and Distance Learning within the Caribbean. Strengthening the capacity of Tertiary Educational Institutions in the Caribbean to use Open Educational resources. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3) | European Commission € 179,777 | IT |
Iraq | 2013 | Assistance to the Evaluation of Calls for Proposals - Civil Society and Human Rights (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 15,120 | Governance and Aid Management |
Haiti | 2013 | Assistance with designing a General Budget Support Programme. Design of a GBS, with detailed implementation modalities, in support of Government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy and ensuring compliance with the EU’s GBS compliance guidelines. | European Commission € 66,824 | Public Finance Management |
Botswana | 2013 | Programming the 11th EDF (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1). Identification of a Public Administration Reform programme to be funded under the 11th EDF. | European Commission € 42,316 | Governance and Aid Management |
Benin | 2013 | Workshop and Training on the Programme Approach in the Agriculture Sector | GIZ € 7,519 | Governance and Aid Management |
Haiti | 2012 - 2013 | Programme to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Improved Land Management and Sustainable Development. Linpico provides an IT expert and a financial advisor responsible for correct financial management and implementation of EU/EDF procedures; training project staff; and advising on local and international procurement. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 182,047 | Public Finance Management |
Comores | 2011 - 2013 | Capacity Building in the area of budget preparation, execution, control in budget execution, external scrutiny and audit of public finances. Linpico is organizing a series of 6 training sessions for 95 government staff, including the development of all course material. Training is carried out in Grande Comores, Anjouan and Moheli. | African Development Bank € 359 260 | Public Finance Management |
Turkmenistan | 2010 - 2012 | Support to Economic Reforms II. Support for the development of Public Finance Management skills and institutional capacity building in the Ministry of Finance. Specific assistance for the configuration of GFMIS software and installation of an Integrated Financial Management Information System. | European Commission € 1,952,700 | Public Finance Management |
Azerbaijan | 2012 | Support to the State Statistical Committe for the development of a Twinning Fiche on Creation of Management of the Quality, Metadata and Geographic Information Systems, preparation of methodology on EU-SILC and expanding the scope of disability statistics based on EU requirements and international standards. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 25,000 | Public Finance Management |
Solomon Islands | 2012 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework. (FWC MACRO Lot 1) | European Commission € 97,432 | Public Finance Management |
Chad | 2012 | Evaluation of the EU funded support to Public Finance Reform Project (PAMFIP). (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 24,906 | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun | 2012 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management of the Douala municipality according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework | French Government € 88,340 | Public Finance Management |
DR Congo | 2012 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework | World Bank USD 160,700 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2012 | Assessment and revision of the legal and instutional standardization framework so as to ensure compliance with the WTO agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. | European Commission € 131,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Vietnam | 2012 | Identification Mission for a Public finance management and oversight project. Linpico provided a Public Sector Audit / Parliamentary oversight specialist. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 30,000 | Public Finance Management |
DR Congo | 2012 | Final Evaluation of the Support to Textbook distribution for 3rd and 4th year Primary schools in Mathematics and French Language subjects project; and the Training of teachers and school directors in the utilization of the 3rd and 4th Primary school Mathematics and French Language textbooks project. | Belgian Technical Cooperation € 47,700 | Education |
Mayotte | 2012 | Support to the General Council for the preparation of Public Finance Management policy document for 2011 – 2014 as pre-condition for receiving 10th EDF Budget Support. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 46,212 | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2012 | Organization and Animation of a Training Workshop on Corruption aimed at identify corrupt practises in the public sector and identifying and assessing anti-corruption measures as well as necessary legal and practical reforms that are required to address corruption. | African Development Bank 32,000 € | Governance and Aid Management |
Worldwide | 2012 | Training programme on effective design of trade and private sector development support. To assist DEVCO.C4 in the organisation and delivery of the training programme on Trade and Private Sector Development for EU staff, both at Headquarters and in Delegations. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 159 171 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Worldwide | 2012 | Editing Support to United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, to establish a practical Manual on Transfer Pricing for assisting developing countries in establishing and implementing transfer pricing legislation. (FWC MACRO Lot 1) | European Commission € 43 750 | Public Finance Management |
Benin | 2012 | Technical Assistance in carrying out sectoral reviews and helping with the preparation of the Joint Annual Review 2012 (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 27 000 | Governance and Aid Management |
SADC Region | 2012 | Final Evaluation of the Regional Food Safety – Capacity Building on Residue Control Project. Linpico provided a food safety capacity building expert. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). | European Commission € 25,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Papua New Guinea | 2011 - 2012 | Report on the implementation of the derogation to standard rules of origin granted to the Pacific ACP States in the framework of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement. Assessment of the impact of the derogation to the rules of origin of Tuna fish in PNG on the development of the country, the management of fish resources in the region and the impact on the EU. (FWC COM 2010 Lot 1) | European Commission € 175 924 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Pakistan | 2011 - 2012 | PEFA Assessment. Assessment of Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 68,050 | Public Finance Management |
Burundi | 2011 - 2012 | Assistance to the Ministry of Finance for the implementation of the “public finance control” component of the Government’s PFM reform programme and Action Plan 2009 – 2011. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 174 136 | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2011 - 2012 | Feasibility Strudy for establishing a computerized Financial and Management Information System for the management by the National Authorizing Officer of the EDF programme (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3) | European Commission € 76 080 | Public Finance Management |
COMESA (Djibouti & DR Congo) | 2011 - 2012 | Supporting Member States of COMESA to undertake policy reforms so as to improve the business environment. Study and organization of 2 stakeholder workshops in Djibouti and DR Congo, each involving around 50 high level government, private sector and investments sector representatives as well as 15 resource persons from regional member states. (BizClim Facility) | European Commission € 340 200 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Worldwide | 2011 - 2012 | Study on Medium-Term Fiscal Frameworks. To provide the Commission with a database which can be used to inform future operations relating to the implementation of aid policy. The study also provides guidance on how to operationally improve Budget Support programme design, including the assessment of the eligibility criterion on macroeconomic stability, and policy dialogue. (FWC MACRO Lot 1) | European Commission € 149,000 | Public Finance Management |
SADC | 2010 - 2012 | Support to Policy Development, Planning, M&E, Statistics and International Cooperation. The purpose of the project is to increase the capacities of SADC’s institutions to drive and coordinate the regional integration agenda. | European Commission € 2,767,600 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Sudan | 2010 – 2012 | Livestock Epidemio-Surveillance Project. The objective is to improve animal productivity, trade and food security for those involved in livestock farming. Linpico provides a financial advisor responsible for correct financial management and implementation of EDF procedures; training key LESP financial staff ; advising on local and international procurement in order that it is conducted in accordance with the relevant EDF procedures (FC BENEF 2009 - Lot 11) | European Commission € 189,024 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Ivory Coast | 2009 – 2012 | Technical Assistance to the Executive Secretary of the Central Organization of the Pineapple and Banana Producers-Exporters (OCAB). Provision of a long-term technical adviser, responsible for boosting and supporting the activities of the pineapple and banana production and marketing profession. | European Commission € 270,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Congo (Brazzaville) | 2011-2012 | Establishment of a system for monitoring the government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PASERP). Strengthening institutional capacity for monitoring and evaluation, including training in poverty analysis and impact on poverty analysis for organizatiuons involved in the implementation of the PASERP. Establishment of a monitoring framework so as to measure results based sector performance. | African Development Bank € 468,395 | Public Finance Management |
Tunisia | 2011 - 2012 | Provision of long-term training in Results Oriented Budgeting and implementation of a communication campaign on ROB. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 165,827 | Public Finance Management |
Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi | 2011 -2012 | Feasibility Study for an Equity Fund Initiative for the Agriculture Sector. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). The specific objective is to assess the feasibility and development relevance of an Agriculture Equity Fund and outline an appropriate set-up, implementation modalities and potential partners to boost the development of small and medium size agribusiness. | European Commission € 68 000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Algeria | 2009 - 2011 | Establishment of a Macro-economic Data Base in the Ministry of Finance. Long and Short-term technical assistance to establish the database as well as tools for monitoring macroeconomic indicators | European Commission € 489,320 | Public Finance Management |
EU, North Africa, Middle East | 2011 | Evaluation of the EU funded Invest in MED programme. The objectives of the programme are to facilitate exchanges between companies in the EU and Mediterranean partner countries in order to favour business cooperation agreements; and develop the capacity of Mediterranean business organizations. | European Commission € 112 438 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Burundi | 2011 | Training in Trade Negotiations (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). To inform members of the National Forum for the Development of Trade Policy (FNDPC) and Burundian trade negotiators on international trade issues and strengthen the national negotiating machinery, particulary in terms of preparing the national position and participating in negotiations. | European Commission € 27 572 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Chad | 2011 | Creation of a guarantee fund for investing in SMEs. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10). | European Commission € 40 000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Guyana | 2011 | Preparation of a report on the progress made in the area of Public Finance Management over the last year as it relates to the legislative framework, the roles and functioning of the Parliament, its Committees, Auditor General, Funds outside the consolidated budget funds and all other bodies or Authorities dealing with or involved in collecting revenue or disbursing of it. | European Commission € 17,000 | Public Finance Management |
Mali | 2011 | Formulation of the second phase of institutional support under the EU’s General Budget Support programme. Strengthening of capacities related to programme implementation and compliance with conditionalities. Focus on macroeconomics, public finance management and monitoring the implementation of the Government’s Poverty Reduction Stretegy. | European Commission € 40 000 | Public Finance Management |
Benin | 2011 | Technical Assistance in carrying out sectoral reviews and the Joint Annual Review 2011. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 64 850 | Governance and Aid Management |
Serbia | 2011 | IT support to the Serbian Public Procurement Office. This project focuses on the PPO website and the web-portal for contracts' publication, in order to develop new web-tools to improve and upgrade the PPO website and the web-portal in line with EU directives and practices. (FC BENEF 2009 – Lot 3) | European Commission € 116,000 | IT |
Indian Ocean Region | 2011 | To prepare the African Development Bank’s Flagship Report on regional integration. Asssitance with programming AfDB support to the IOC region with particular focus on energy, infrastructure, private sector development, tourism, environment and social sectors. | African Development Bank € 216,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Mauritius | 2011 | Support for the Regional Management Centre of Excellence – Start Up services. Development of operational tools and assistance with forming partnerships with regional organizations in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. | African Development Bank € 133,000 | Education |
China | 2011 | EU-China Liaoning Integrated Environmental Progamme ; Final Evaluation Cleaner Production Revolving Fund (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10) | European Commission € 47,176 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Mayotte | 2011 | Global Policy Report to provide orientations for EU (10th EDF) Budget Support in Mayotte. (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 11) | European Commission € 31,170 | Public Finance Management |
Mauritania | 2010 - 2011 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) USD 25,000 | Public Finance Management |
Barbados | 2010 - 2011 | Institutional Review of the Barbados Sugar Cane Industry Institutional Restructuring and Strengthening of the Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC). Restructuring and Strengthening of Independent and Small Farmers and support to Displaced Farmers. | European Commission € 1,197,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Burkina Faso | 2010 - 2011 | Assessing the use of IT resources provided by the French Government in the Directory General for Taxation (DGI). | French Government, Embassy in Burkina Faso € 19,420 | IT |
UEMOA (West Africa) | 2010 - 2011 | Training in the area of Quality (TQM, Standards, Quality Accreditation and Certification, Metrology). Strengthening the capacity of Quality institutions in the UEMOA region | UEMOA Commission € 60,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Congo Brazzaville & Burkina Faso | 2010 - 2011 | Organization of a series of study tours to Burkina Faso for staff of the Ministry of Finance, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville). Capacity building of staff involved with performance based monitoring, internal audit and financial control. | African Development Bank € 77,000 | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2010 – 2011 | Study to quantify Tax Remissions and the Impact of these remissions on the Economy of the country. | Government of Burkina Faso € 39,000 | Public Finance Management |
Togo | 2010 - 2011 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 28,000 | Public Finance Management |
Algeria | 2010 - 2011 | PEFA Assessment. Providing 3 experts to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract – Lot 1 MACRO) | European Commission € 172,500 | Public Finance Management |
Indonesia | 2010 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 30,000 | Public Finance Management |
Guyana | 2010 | Preparation of a report on the progress made in the area of Public Finance Management over the last year as it relates to the legislative framework, the roles and functioning of the Parliament, its Committees, Auditor General, Funds outside the consolidated budget funds and all other bodies or Authorities dealing with or involved in collecting revenue or disbursing of it. This report is necessary for both the disbursement of all Budgetary Support tranches and the submission of the 10th EDF Budget Support Programme Action Fiche. | European Commission € 25,528 | Public Finance Management |
Mayotte | 2010 | Assessment of PFM and Identification of a General Budget Support Programme to be funded under the 10th EDF. Preparation of Project Identification Fiche and technical annexes. (FC Lot 1 – MACRO) | European Commission € 40,000 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2010 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 30,000 | Public Finance Management |
Malawi | 2010 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 28,000 | Public Finance Management |
Georgia | 2010 | PEFA Training course for the Tbilisi Municipality. | Government of Georgia € 10,000 | Public Finance Management |
Burkina Faso | 2010 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 22,000 | Public Finance Management |
Ethiopia | 2010 | PEFA Assessment. Providing 2 experts to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework (Framework Contract – Lot 11) | European Commission € 123,500 | Public Finance Management |
China | 2010 | Micro Credit Fund Evaluation of the EU – China Natural Forest Management Project (Framework Contract BENEF 2009 – Lot 10) | European Commission € 61,132 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
PALOP – Timor Leste | 2008-2010 | Support to the Regional Authorising Officer PALOP for the overall coordination and project cycle management within the scope of PALOP cooperation, currently in the context of PALOP RIP II. | European Commission € 850,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Congo (Brazzaville) | 2009 - 2010 | Programme to Support the Monitoring of Public Expenditure related to the implementation of the Government’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PACDIP). Support for the improvement of Public Finance Management (budgeting and expenditure) related to poverty reduction. | African Dev. Bank € 243,000 | Public Finance Management |
Cameroun, Burundi | 2010 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 63,000 | Public Finance Management |
Haiti | 2009 - 2010 | Public Procurement Reform. Support to 5 Ministries for improving their public procurement processes. Analysis of the existing procurement systems and establishment of a standardized, transparent system within the 5 Ministries. | Inter-American Dev. Bank USD 387,000 | Public Finance Management |
South Africa | 2009 - 2010 | Provision of a database development team to design and develop a Ward Committee Data Management System. This will allow the Project Coordination Unit to interact with all ward committees (3895) via Provincial Departments’ public participation coordinators, and to incorporate the results of extensive quantitative and qualitative research. | European Commission € 65 650 | IT |
Ghana | 2008-2010 | Capacity Development in the Area of Transport Sector Public Finance Management. The Technical Assistance aims to address public finance management issues in the transport sector, and, in particular, to provide a sustainable basis for the relations between the transport sector and the Ministy of Finance. It also aims to build capacity in the sector to develop the capacity to handle its financial planning, commitments, and expenditures. | European Commission € 849,678 | Public Finance Management |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 2007 - 2010 | Support to the NAO. Providing three LT experts in order to maximise DR Congo’s capacity to absorb the development funds provided by the European Commission and to ensure these funds are used in the most efficient and effective way, thereby maximising developmental impact. | European Commission € 1,680,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
CEMAC | 2006 - 2010 | € 16 million Programme of assistance to the Regional Integration of CEMAC (PAIRAC) : Institutional support to CEMAC and member government ministries in the areas of EPA negotiations, Multilateral surveillance, Customs union and Common market | European Commission € 6,396,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Chad | 2006 - 2010 | Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer and the Aid Coordination Unit : to strengthen the institutional capacity of the MEPC so as to improve the programming and management of the EU’s development programme and to improve donor coordination, particularly in relation to the planning, implementation and monitoring of the National Poverty Reduction Strategy. | European Commission € 2,350,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Caribbean | 2002 – 2010 | Integrated Development Programme for the Caribbean Rum Sector. Management of the €70 million programme aimed at increasing value added rum exports. Supply of short and long term expertise. Management of grants in the area marketing, capital investment, environment and business development. | European Commission € 2,029,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Solomon Islands | 2007 - 2009 | Technical Assistance to the Education Sector Investment and Reform Programme (ESIRP), a € 29 million comprehensive Sector Wide Approach. Provision of Long and Short-Term TA for overall project management | European Commission € 1,330,000 | Education |
DR Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan | 2009 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism, including procurement systems, for delivering GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 159,000 | Public Finance Management |
Caribbean and EU | 2009 | Study on Regulatory Regimes for Professional Services in selected EU countries. Analysis of business environment and regulatory regimes related to accountancy, architecture, engineering, management consultancy and tourism guides and operators in Estonia, Malta, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Spain and Italy so as make recommendations to the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery as part of their Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with the EU (BizClim facility) | European Commission € 190,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Gambia | 2009 | Preparation of a General Budget Support Programme. Provision of a Public Finance Management Expert / Team Leader for an analysis of PFM reforms and recommendations on GBS. Drafting of a Financing Proposal and technical annexes for EU support. | European Commission € 76,000 | Public Finance Management |
UEMOA | 2009 | Harmonisation Study on the Institutional Framework for Quality (TQM, Standards, Quality Accreditation and Certification, Metrology) in the UEMOA region | UEMOA Commission € 59,500 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Benin, Comores, Gambia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Niger, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, | 2009 | Pre-review of applications to GAVI for cash-based support. Analysis and recommendations for further action relating to the PFM aspects of the country applications. | GAVI USD 15,600 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2009 | OHADA Legislation Compliance Study. Ensuring that Parliamentary Law complies with the OHADA Treaty. Reviewing and Drafting of legal texts to ensure OHADA compliance. (BizClim Facility) | European Commission € 196,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Azerbaijan, Cuba, Eritrea | 2009 | Public Financial Management Assessments – Health Sector. Overall assessment of PFM, including procurement, in the health sector and specific analysis and recommendations on the mechanism for tdeliverying GAVI cash based support. | GAVI USD 76,000 | Public Finance Management |
Kenya | 2008 – 2009 | PEFA Assessment. Providing 3 experts in order to assess Public Finance Management according to the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) measurement framework | European Commission € 99,000 | Public Finance Management |
Solomon Islands | 2005 – 2009 | Curriculum Development and Support for Higher Education, part of a comprehensive Sector Wide Approach, which prioritises basic education and curriculum reform and puts greater emphasis on technical / vocational subjects. The objectives of the TA Contract are to increase the capacity of the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education and to reform the curriculum in use in primary and secondary educational institutions. Four advisers are provided under the TA contract. | European Commission € 1,890,000 | Education |
CEEAC (Central Africa) | 2008 | Financial and economic evaluation of the Regional Development bank’s (BDEAC) investment portfolio related to Transport. | BDEAC € 82,000 | Public Finance Management |
Benin | 2008 | Support to the Reform of Public Financial Management. Identification of the ECs support for the Government’s Action Plan. Drafting of Financing proposal, terms of reference and other technical annexes. | European Commission € 30,964 | Public Finance Management |
Central African Republic | 2008 | Financial and Functional Audit of the Public Treasury in Central African Republic. Identification of priority actions for the reform of Public Finances. | World Bank € 146,000 | Public Finance Management |
Mayotte, Turks & Caicos, Aruba, Falkland Islands, Pitcairn, Saint Elena and Dependencies, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, French Polynesia, Anguilla & Montserrat | 2008 | Preliminary Assessment of Public Finance Management and Procurement Procedures, and an Assessment of the Economic Situation under the 10th EDF: to assess quality, transparency, accountability and effectiveness of public finance management as well as the openness and transparency of public procurement – all reports based on PEFA framework. | European Commission € 220,000 | Public Finance Management |
Mongolia | 2008 | Feasibility study for an Education Sector Support Programme. Design of a USD 15 million education programme aimed at enhancing access and quality of basic education. Components include (i) developing a strategy for improving urban school crowding and rural schooling; (ii) developing in a participatory manner a sustainable strategy for integrating information and communications technology (ICT) into basic education; and (iii) assessing the feasibility of a textbook rental scheme. | Asian Development Bank USD 560,000 | Education |
Ivory Coast | 2007 – 2008 | Technical Assistance to the Executive Secretary of the Central Organization of the Pineapple and Banana Producers-Exporters (OCAB). Definition of a Strategy for the Sector. Management of the support provided by the EC. | European Commission € 259,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
DR Congo | 2007 – 2008 | PEFA Assessment | European Commission € 199,000 | Public Finance Management |
Papua New Guinea | 2004 – 2008 | Improvement of Rural primary Education Facilities. Management and Implementation of the Improvement of Rural Primary Education Facilities (IRPEF) project. IPREF is aimed at improving both the quality of education and the extent of student participation in remote primary schools. It provides infrastructure support to a number of remote schools and also seeks to understand and solve some of the underlying issues regarding the provision of rural education so that the lessons learnt can be replicated nationally. Training is also provided nationwide for those involved in rural primary education. | European Commission € 729,529 | Education |
Tunisia | 2007 – 2008 | Analysis of the Competitiveness of the following industries: construction, olive oil, fisheries, automobile, and packaging. Growth Diagnostic and identification of constraints to growth. | World Bank USD 80,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Sierra Leone | 2005 – 2008 | Support to the National Authorsing Officer. The project purpose is to improve the overall performance of EDF-funded interventions, with a focus on relevance of programming and timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the EDF resources by the NAO. Project results include: Strengthened command by NAO staff of Project Cycle Management Tools as well as EDF financial and contractual procedures; The design and implementation of procedures and systems within the NAO office; Improved positioning of the NAO within SL national administration; Increased understanding by GoSL officials and Non-State Actors of the PCM tools, EDF procedures and priorities of the ACP-EU partnership agreement. | European Commission € 1,930,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Mali | 2005 – 2008 | Support to the National Authorsing Officer. The project purpose is the Institutional Strengthening of the Office of the NAO in terms of programming, administration and monitoring of the EU development programme. This will be achieved through the provision of short term and long term technical assistance to the NAO Support Unit. The EU development programme in Mali focuses on transports, decentralisation, public structures support, macroeconomic and civil society support. | European Commission € 490,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Indian Ocean Commission Secretariat (Mauritius) | 2003 – 2008 | Regional Plant Protection Programme. To develop and promote regional cooperation and research relating to plant protection. Components include: design and implementation of a computerised management system to be used by all countries in the region to access information regarding plant protection; regional harmonisation of plant protection legislation; support for local research; training; establishment of an Early Warning System for plant protection problems (Quality Control). | European Commission € 1,418,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |
Mali | 2007-2008 | Technical Assistance to the National Office of Statistics and Informatics. | European Commission | Public Finance Management |
Comores | 2004-2007 | Support to the National Authorsing Officer Institutional Strengthening of the Office of the National Authorising Officer so as to improve the administration of the EU Development Programme. The results of the project include accelerating the process for identifying and commencing projects and ensuring that the staff in the NAO Office is skilled in the management and supervision of the EU Development Programme. | European Commission € 660,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Ethiopia | 2004-2007 | Ensure the efficient and effective implementation of an Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) for the Ethiopian Government Civil Service. | European Commission € 599,000 | Public Finance Management |
Liberia | 2004-2007 | Local Community Development Project. Provision of Interface Partners to assist with the implementation of small scale projects related to Local Community Development (part of the Reintegration Programme for Returnees and Displaced People). Focus on Social Services (including rehabilitating clinics, classrooms, provision of water supply and sanitation facilities) and Income generating activities. | European Commission € 550,000 | Governance and Aid Management |
Eastern and Central Asia | 2006 – 2007 | Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Basic Education Prepartory Study (RETA) in order to enhance capacity of the participating countries to plan, develop policy and effectively implement projects and programs for ICT investment | Asian Development Bank USD 540,000 | Education |
CEMAC (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Chad) | 2003 – 2007 | Support to the CEMAC Secretariat. To strengthen the technical and institutional capacities of the Secretariat of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) to conduct its multilateral surveillance activities and to ensure the balanced and accelerated development of the six member countries of the Community by harmonising their economic and monetary policies. | European Commission € 705,000 | Trade & Private Sector Management |