We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the project titled “Capacity Development on Contract Management System for officials in Government of Rajasthan” aiming at enhancing and strengthening the contract management capacity of government personnel to oversee and handle…
Linpico awarded the AFD 2023 framework agreement – Lot 01 – Capacity building in financial governance
On June 8, 2023, Linpico was awarded the management of the AFD 2023 framework agreement – Lot n° 01 – Capacity building in financial governance for a minimum duration of 24 months which can be renewed up to twice 12 months.…
The 2022 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment of the Dominican Republic conducted by Linpico received the PEFA check on March 3, 2023
The 2022 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment of the Dominican Republic was conducted at the request of the Government of the Dominican Republic, represented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF), with the support of the Delegation of the…
Angola: long-Term Technical Assistance and Training to the Office of the National Authorizing Officer of the European Development Fund
The “Long-Term Technical Assistance and Training to the Office of the National Authorizing Officer of the European Development Fund (SAON) in the Republic of Angola” project which was awarded to the Consortium led by LINPICO, on 12th November 2018 came…
Fiscal Transition Project in West Africa
The fiscal transition project in West Africa that Linpico is running together with Adam Smith International is going swimmingly! Our experts on the field are supporting the WAEMU and ECOWAS member states for improving tax management; strengthening measures for tackling…
2021 – 2022 results of the SIEA 2018 Framework Contract
Training workshops in São Tomé and Príncipe – Support to the Office of Public Finance Reforms (GARFIP)
Since January 2021, Linpico’s team in São Tomé and Príncipe has been involved in a project to support the Office of Public Finance Reforms (GARFIP). Our experts assist in the formulation and delivery of medium-term fiscal frameworks and transparent, comprehensive…
FWC SIEA 2018 -Lot 5 (Budget Support)
According to the latest SIEA 2018 Framework Contract statistics published by DG INTPA Framework contract SIEA 2018 | International Partnerships (europa.eu) the consortium led by Linpico is now the first ranked contractor by total value of contracts awarded under Lot…
Press release
Linpico signed a contract with the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic, on the 11th of May, 2021, to implement Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance in Strengthening Budget Planning, Coordination, Execution and Transparency. This project is under…
Linpico’s response to COVID
The COVID pandemic has caused an unprecedented international crisis forcing all governments around the world to put in place emergency strategies to deal with this health situation which affects all sectors of the global economy. Consequently, all the development aid…